"Another Banned Athlete Competes at Non-licensed Competition"

@grace4nan I'm just speculating, but if I was the organiser of a non-licensed competition and wanted a semblance of ethos and sportsmanship, I'd want my competitors to sign a release that states they make truthful declarations and that they are not banned from competing in other official instances.

Unless I didn't care and wanted to put on a show. In which case I wouldn't pussyfoot around saying "Oh no, I didn't know", I'd say "And you know you enjoyed the show!".
@grace4nan Who at Morning Chalk Up keeps prirotizing these articles?

What's next, banned crossfit athlete found participating in local rec softball league?
@grace4nan Banned Olympic athlete competes in non-Olympic event!

I mean, they were dumb enough to get caught when the clearly the sport is rife with PEDs. So they’re competing elsewhere where it doesn’t matter. Good for them.
@californio Nah, these people were honestly douchebags in person, and it is even lower to lie about your name to get into the competition because you think it COULD be wrong.
@grace4nan I saw her in the warm up area there and it is quite obvious, there were numerous doping athletes at that competition that I know of personally, why I can’t take it seriously.
@acts2416 It’s really at the point where if you want to be competitive, you HAVE to dope. There’s no way to get to even have a chance of getting to their level without it.
@leggomymeggo To some degree, if you quite literally have a perfect schedule and perfect environment and precise, vigorous dedication like Fraser or Toomey then you can go damn far without doping, which is why many dope.
@grace4nan You know, at USA Fencing we don't do everything perfect, but if a suspended/banned member is permitted to compete/practice/spectate/work at a competition or practice or Club's general open hours, then that Club and everyone working for them are also Sanctioned /suspended/banned.
@incenzo23 Can you break that down for me Barney style?

From what I got…I an athlete was banned for X. I go to train at your fencing gym. All of those athletes Y are banned because of me?
@david2221 It’s the prohibited association rule. It’s a WADA thing so applies to anything that follows the same sanctioning system.

You’re barred from getting coaching, training advice, nutrition, medical treatment etc from anyone currently either serving an active sanction (non doping related sanctions too) or has been criminally convicted on doping related charges.

Some governing bodies have even gone so far as issuing statements to remind folks of the rule when big name athlete do the clinic circuits in their jurisdiction. Think the likes of Sonny Webster or Torokhtiy.
@david2221 They’re weightlifting athletes. They run a lot of coaching seminars in CF gyms and weightlifting clubs. None of their sanctions impact CF athletes since it’s different governing bodies and CF doesn’t have an association rule on the books. Folks that compete in their country’s weightlifting federations are subject to those sanction rules though.

The intent of the rule is to address culture elements of doping. Purge gyms of offending athletes and in theory others are less likely to normalize doping. As I understand there’s a lot of ways around it while still staying above the board.