Any fellow petites here lose weight without exercise? If so, drop your routine please!


New member
During Covid I lost about 15 pounds through 1200 calories and exercise. Then due to work, life, family stress - I gained it all back in the last 6 months and I feel disgusted and disappointed with myself. But I’m having the hardest time getting back into it. I semi enjoy walking/running outside for exercise but the weathers always gross in the east coast right now - it’s either super cold or rainy/snowy. I live in a 3rd floor apartment so working out in the apartment is also not a good idea. Have any of you successfully lost weight without exercise and if so, how many calories did you eat? What are your weight and height stats and how long did it take? I’m curious if it’s even possible. Thanks in advance!

FYI I’m 33/F , 5’0 - current weight 122. Goal weight 110-115

Edit : thank you all so much for the replies, I’m still reading and catching up! But y’all are so supportive ❤️
@chelsey423 I’m a bit opposite - I love exercising but my experience is that regardless of how much I exercise (to achieve fitness goals) I’ve never lost any weight from it - I’ve only ever lost weight if I am stringent with calorie counting (after having my second kiddo for example, I set a personal goal to go half-Ironman distance and I lost zero of the 50 pounds I’d gained during pregnancy since I ate whatever I wanted). I’ve gained weight if I’m injured and can’t exercise, and again I think that’s because I ate whatever I wanted. I think general calorie counting matters more than exercise for weight loss itself. But exercise is great for general physical and mental health - even a little bit of exercise - so if you can find something you enjoy it’s worth it.

Your value as a human being definitely doesn’t depend on your weight - I know this might sound a bit cliche but all of us struggle with different things and there’s definitely no reason to be disgusted with yourself for gaining weight or not exercising. Most important is to take care of yourself as best you can especially if you are stressed out ❤️
@chelsey423 Yes, but only if I restricted to 1200-1300, which is unsustainable for me. Since I want to keep the weight off, I’ve opted for more movement + 1500-1600 calories. My total daily burn is around 1800-2200 with this method.

If you have room, you might consider a desk treadmill — that’s made a big difference for me in being able to get enough movement in, even with poor weather. Plus, the one I got (SuperFit brand) can fold down and be slid under a couch or bed for storage.
@cryogenic Same, I never want to go back to eating 1200 again. Sure I got down to my goal weight, but I love food/eating and it wasn't sustainable for the longterm. Plus, it gets reeaaaally hard to stick to a low calorie diet when the pounds take longer and longer to drop off as you get closer to your goal.

These days my maintenance is 2000 calories thanks to exercise (10k steps a day, lifting 4 times a week).
@cryogenic May I ask how long you did on the treadmill daily? Looking to try losing weight again, and really want to avoid the strict 1,200 calorie diet, because I completely failed when I tried that last year.
@bluescityleon I aim for 10k steps a day, so I use the treadmill to close the gap between that goal and how active I’ve been that day. For my less active days, I usually end up walking 5-7k steps (around 45-60 mins at 2.5-3 mph).
@chelsey423 Yeah I don't lose weight from exercise. Only walking. If I aim about 14000 a day the weight falls off pretty quick. It's time consuming but it always works for me. And I have PCOS so weightloss should be more difficult fore but I can lose 2lbs a week doing that. I try to make one of my three meals pretty low in cals then too. Like a light salad or soup or egg on veg or something

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