Any fellow petites here lose weight without exercise? If so, drop your routine please!

@chelsey423 Calories in calories out is the basis of losing weight. So exercise is just good for you in general, but usually it’s because it means you burn calories so you have “room” to eat more or you can eat the same and lose.

However you can technically lose weight by just eating less than you output without exercising. I consider walking exercise but if you dont, you can add that. Technically this increases your activity / calorie output so if you eat the same you could lose.

I think a big issue with being petite is that we have a smaller room for error. Like our BMR (the calories needed to just survive) can be an unhealthy range.

How tall are you?
@chelsey423 Those calories were too low for the body to gain enough muscle to keep the weight off. Exercise plays it's role once the weight is lost but it's the change we make with our nutrition that loses the weight first. Then you should keep up with resistance training to progressively increase the amount of lean muscle to fat ratio. Then the weight stays of
@chelsey423 UK here so cold and sometimes wet right now. I still always go out at lunch for a 20 min walk to get some fresh air and gets me out of the house (work from home). Gets me about 2500 steps. The rest i do all from home especially if the weather is particularly horrific.
You might be able to step on the spot in front of the TV and step on your toes so you’re bouncing rather than full weight on the floor stepping (if that makes sense) if you want to make less noise.

The deficit is the thing that matters most though, you can be in a deficit without exercise but the stepping means you can eat more and still be in the same deficit as you would be if you weren’t exercising.

I’m 145lbs and 5’4” and have lost 11lbs since beginning of Jan just doing steps and deficit, but I do this every day and it works.
@cassieshannon Hi! We are stat twins! We could do a Reddit chat with check ins although I am not very active on here or social media because I am also trying to limit screen time (my eyes are getting bad) 😭😭😭

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