Any plan to help tone back?


New member
Hi! I’m a 23/F/5’6/142LBS and quite frankly don’t know anything about fitness, I’ve been having problems with my mid section of my back since it’s where I mostly distribute fat, I know targeting fat in a specific area isn’t possible but even so, I was hoping if there is a way to atleast reduce the appearance by toning my back a little more. I have been told mostly diet will help for the most part but that exercise can also help along with it.
@lkremkoski You are absolutely right that spot reduction of fat is unfortunately not possible. Toning is a big fitness myth that was marketed specifically to appeal to women.

Everyone stores fat differently in their bodies and it sounds like you might store more in your back but that’s completely normal and not something you should stress about.

If your goal is to reduce fat your best bet is to focus on your diet and sleep. Sometimes when we don’t get enough quality sleep it causes inflammation and stress on your body which slows down your metabolism and causes you to store fat. In terms of diet I’d suggest focusing on a caloric deficit while simplifying your meals by repeating the same recipes. This will make it easier to understand how it’s impacting your fat loss journey.

You can definitely also build muscle in your back but I would recommend starting a program where you start building muscle and strength all over not just in your back as it will improve your overall health. Focus on the main compound lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, barbell row, and overhead press). Start slow and make sure you prioritize your form over the weight.
@lkremkoski lift weights hard and be in a small deficit.

yes it wont disproportionately target fat but often womens upper bodies seem to lean out faster than the legs and muscle on your mid and lower back can spread out the fat visually