Anyone here bulking in their late 30's/40's? How did it go?

@montexss I think your correlation is wrong here, if weight won't budge above 150lb then of course muscle won't grow either. You need to eat to grow and train to grow muscle. If your training is good you'll put on muscle unless you've reached some genetic potential but even then there are tricks to get past it a bit, if you don't think your there yet don't worry about that and keep it simple.

Bulk for periods of 4-6 months with a 2-4 week maintenance between any shift between bulking/cutting. Bulk should be slow at most 2lbs a month, cut can be about twice that so 1lb per week. At your weight better numbers might be gain 3lb every 2 months, and cut 3lbs every month. So roughly half a year to put on 10lbs then maybe cut 5lbs in 6 weeks. Maintenance phase is important so you don't shift between those too quickly, the whole process ends up being 8-9 months then you can re-evaluate if it went well and repeat.
@needheaven My weight wouldn't increase when I was running 35-40 miles a week in spite of having consecutive months of eating 4000-4500 calories a day. Now that I chopped the running to a fraction of what I had been doing im gaining weight just fine. Pretty sure the level of cardio was keeping my cortisol jacked up and it was just keeping me in a catabolic state. I spent months shoveling endless food in and it just didn't seem to stick at all. Trying to train for V02 max/endurance and for hypertrophy at the same time just doesn't seem realistic - perhaps in my 20's would have been more doable, but im fine spending time building muscle, then when I'm uncomfortable with weight gain I know I can peel it off quickly and hopefully end up with a bit more lean mass after each cut until I end up at my goal.
@montexss Only with lean foods. I increase my calories by about 600 with clean carbs. Food has hormonal effects and your body can store fats much easier than it can store carbs as body fat. What you use to bulk with matters.
@montexss I don’t know or care to learn all the technical terms or words. I’m 43 and wanted to “bulk” up a little bit. A month ago half ago I really upped my gym performance and have gone every single day sometimes 2x sometimes 3x a day. I just started dropping weight like it was Melting butter. I was 166 this morning and can see the outline of every stomach muscle in the morning lol. I don’t think my bulk worked out to well lol but I am definitely much much leaner and better looking then before. I don’t think we need to classify ourselves into these categories. Just workout and eat good food. Eat steak and eggs and fruit and vegetables like they been telling us our whole lives.