Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

@guitargator93 Exactly! I know that losing inches, how my clothes fit, and how I look and feel should be my goal and what I actually want, but that scale number is such an instant gratification (or frustration).
@claudiav Yeah... I started my fitness journey 4 months ago, at a weight of about 150 lbs. I was bigger than ever before, became really unhappy. I thought I would have to get down to my previous normal weight of 138 (I'm 5'6), but decided to start with working out (with kettlebells) rather than losing weight. For the first 3 months I only watched how much protein I ate to make sure I had enough, didn't limit calories, stayed the same weight, maybe gained 2 pounds.

A month ago I started eating less (without counting calories), continued exercising. Right now I'm at 146 lbs and I look much better than I thought I would... My legs & butt are more shapely than ever and my stomach is flat & curvy (and smaller than my AA breasts, which is key).

So it really didn't take much weight loss at all, because I focused on strengthening my body.
@claudiav Yes! In January I started cutting after doing a ~6 month long bulk. My wedding is in September, and I gave myself plenty of time to cut so that I wouldn't have to rush it. I thought my goal weight was 140-145. However, when I hit 148, I realized my body is exactly how I want it to be for my wedding, so there's no reason to kill myself trying to lose any more weight when I'm happy now. A number is just a number! Now I'm hovering around 148-150 depending on the day/week (I'm trying not to weigh myself almost at all because it messes with my mind, but I've checked in occasionally) and just trying to stay here until my wedding (and then I plan to bulk again :D). I'm actually continuing to eat at a deficit during the week, because I've found that almost every weekend this summer is some kind of event/party/vacation during which I do not feel like tracking, so I've been eating well over maintenance usually 1-3 days on a lot of weeks. So I just stay good the rest of the week to offset my indulgences! :)
@shovon27 I am so happy for you! I bet you that you're happier at 148 because of that bulk--you put on muscle which made you look better at a higher weight than your original lower ideal. Same thing happened to me. I've been 125 before, but I looked really fluffy, which I didn't like. Now at THIS version of 125, I look almost as good as I did at 115 because I put on muscle (I was doing lots of cardio when I was 115 before to get to that low weight).

I love your eating schedule! I think when I get back to maintaining, I'll do the same--eat at a slight deficit some days so I can be a little more relaxed over the weekend and during social gatherings.

Seriously awesome work. Slow and steady cuts are where it's at. Also I love your username.
@claudiav Exact same for me!! I had to torture myself to stay at 110-115 and now that I'm at 121 I look great and am not starving and sleepy all the time!!!
@claudiav Thank you! :) I definitely think my bulk/muscle gains have contributed with me being happier at a higher weight. My lowest weight ever was 137, but I was less happy with my body then than I am now (also due to mental gains haha). I'm certainly much leaner at 148/150 now than I was before my bulk!

Yes, my eating schedule is working quite nicely! Eating at a bit of a deficit isn't too bad during the week (although sometimes it does get annoying), but being able to relax more on the weekends is so rewarding.

And thank you :) I actually stole the idea for this username from a friend--her iG is strong_like_a_girl (and you should look her up because she's awesome).
@claudiav Sort of. In the beginning of January this year I weighed nearly 140lbs. My goal weight was around 110lbs. I'm about 130lbs now and, surprisingly, I'm actually quite happy with how I look for the most part. I'm no longer obsessively counting calories but I know that I'll continue to burn fat since I'm consistently lifting, and I'll take that.
@claudiav Congrats!

Not me, but my 58yo mother went through this. We're the same height, similar build. I told her the goal weight she had set was 15 lbs lighter than my current weight. She was absolutely shocked that I'm so heavy. She changed her aesthetic goals and added some functionality goals. I think an occasional reevaluation of goals is good.
I think an occasional reevaluation of goals is good.

Firstly, thank you! And I think that's where I'm at right now--time to reevaluate my goals. I'm so glad your mother changed her goals after hearing what your weight is. Whenever I see a woman who is my height and weighs ~120lb and looks bomb af, I get really excited and remind myself that it's okay to be over 100lb at just 5'0".

Thank you for sharing :)