App for fitness v. menstrual cycle?


New member
Hello, I’m 22F 210lbs and have really bad problems with energy. I’ve tried adjusting calories, weights, and sleeping more for the past year or so. No luck really. So I feel that it HAS to be my menstrual cycle affecting it. Therefore, I want to learn more about my eating and exercise habits during certain phases in the cycle. An app would be a huge plus to have reminders and such. TIA!

PS: please recommend free ones lol
@angelanguyen At 210 lbs, assuming around average height, your BMI category is obesity. Being overweight messes up with your energy and hormone levels, sleep cycles, and generally affects every part of your body. Maybe see your GP, possibly get bloodwork done, to rule out any underlying illness. Then you might want to give losing some body weight a go
@angelanguyen If you're a consistent alcohol drinker, you should stop drinking even "casual" 3x a week needs to stop. And if you have problems with energy it usually ends up being vitamin D, and for people who drink it's thiamine, then just do walking but it has to be consistent also