Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips


New member
Looking to simplify my training completely for around 2 months.
Anybody apply Geoff's giant 3.0 programming to other compound lifts?
I'm looking to simplify my training so will only be doing compound exercises and no isolation work.
I plan to superset opposing movements e.g horizontal pressing and rowing and pullups and dips...
I still plan to do the giant 3.0.
Any opinions?
@whitney5388 I used to do “EDT” sets for dips and chins. I’d just set a timer for 10-15 minutes at the end of my workout and go HAM until the timer buzzed.

Now, I like Neupert’s philosophy of not even slowing down my reps if possible. So, 20-30 minutes seems about right. Don’t be afraid to up the number of dips. What are the percentages he uses for The Giant 3? You could do a RM test, for both exercises and then run the percentages. For DFW it would be about 1/5, 2/5, and 3/5 the first week.
@whitney5388 escalated density training basically, pick two opposing exercises and go HAM for 15 minutes. Don’t worry if you’re doing less reps by the end, and try to beat your workout each session. The article explains it in more detail, and talks about when to progress. Those 15 minute sessions are a great way to cram things like curls and tricep extensions onto the end of a workout. I think it works well with chins and dips as well.

It’s very similar to a Neupert’s programming.
@hunter101 That's a good complex. I will do that when I finish this experiment. I will do the edt training method for the dips etc which will be my 10rm weight but only do 5 reps flat to the mat for 15 mins. Thank you
@whitney5388 I didn't run it as a complex, but as supersets:
  • 30' The Giant for double snatch: snatch (The Giant reps) superset with burpees and chinups
  • 30' The Giant superset with chinups
  • 30' The Giant for front squats superset with 2x32 swings and situps
(Although squats + swings was run kind of as a complex - I dropped the bells straight from the rack into swinging).
Monday, Wednesday, Friday ...the giant 3.0 and legs.
Tuesday and Thursday.... the giant 3.0 applied in supersets to pull ups/dips, ring rows/ring push ups.