At home workouts


New member
Does anyone here have success with at home workouts/classes like Peloton strength training? I see a lot of posts about going to the gym and I’m wondering if I’ll see results by just working out at home. I do 3-4 30-45 minute strength training classes a week at home + 10k steps a day + sometimes a cycling class on top of my steps. I’ve definitely noticed that I’ve toned up in the 6 weeks I’ve been sticking to this, but it also seems a lot slower than it used to be when I’d start this type of thing. I’m also eating roughly 1450-1500 calories a day with a min of 100g protein. Stats are 33/F/130lbs.
@skymarie 36F and I’ve never been inside a gym. I stick with circuit training workouts at home, cycling, and daily walks (eventually interval sprints, but it’s a slow build-up)
@skymarie Grow with Jo if you’re easing into working out (search her walking/dance workouts on YouTube). Caroline Girvan if you’re looking for a challenge! I started with the Advent playlist which are 20-min workouts but she has some single workouts ranging from 10-15mins as well (still very challenging though, ngl)
@skymarie I’ve only done at-home workouts. I’m doing a body recomp and I’m starting to slowly see progress. As long as you’re doing everything right, it shouldn’t matter where you workout.
@samanthaconner I’m trying to recomp too and I’m glad you’re seeing progress. I’m coming from a unhealthy “starve myself to lose weight” background so I was getting a little frustrated with not seeing any progress but I’m trying to remember that lasting and healthy habits will take longer and be more sustainable
@skymarie wait same here! let me know how it goes for you - i’ve been doing caroline girvan workouts for 30 mins 5x a week in addition to some pilates, but haven’t really incorporated cardio. not sure if this is gonna be detrimental but hoping to start cardio soon (focusing on exercise instead of too much food restriction)
@skymarie I haven't been doing recomp very long (I started at the beginning of November) but I feel like I haven't seen physical results until this month. It's a veeeery slow process.

Here's a breakdown of how it's been going for me just so you have a frame of reference how slowly I've been seeing results (I'm the same age and around the same weight as you):

December 15 (6 weeks in) - Could feel a difference in my body, was lifting much heavier than I thought I'd be able to when I started in November, but no physical changes.

January 15 - All my body measurements actually went UP about an inch. I'm guessing this is from building muscle. My clothes were fitting a bit different, but couldn't see a difference in pictures.

January 30 - Realized that I just went through PMS without being as bloated as I usually was. Slowly starting to see some more physical changes in a couple areas of my body.

Now - My measurements are all down 1/2 inch to 1 inch from my measurements at the start of November. Clothing is fitting better, I'm starting to see my wiggly and jiggly bits shrinking, I can see a lot more muscle definition when I workout. Lifting about 2x as heavy as I was when I started recomp.

Once I started seeing noticeable changes at the end of January, I feel like they've been snowballing and I'm seeing results a bit quicker now. I should also note that I'm not in any sort of deficit, just eating at least 100g of protein a day, lifting 3x a week, and getting about 5 to 7k steps in a day, so you might see changes a bit sooner than me if you're in a deficit.
@skymarie I do everything at home. I don’t do heavy weights as I have back issues and am hyper mobile. I’m all about lower weight higher reps. I started with Madfit and fitbymik. Now I’m on the Caroline Girvan band wagon and on week 8 of her epic series - definitely making me stronger physically and visibly
@skymarie Yes- I decided I already pay for the peloton so I might as well see if I can stick with it for strength, vs paying for that plus the gym. I follow Hardcore On The Floor Facebook group for a free monthly calendar of daily stacks to follow. I import it to my iPad and write notes on the weights I use for the month to see strength progress. I don't follow exactly but that's kinda the point - you modify and do what works for you. I like it cause I want to do home workouts but also not have to curate anything and just add to my stack to just execute.
@skymarie I've only ever done at home workouts. I started with Chloe Tings YouTube videos then gradually started adding weights and different equipment (bench, barbells, dumbbells, squat rack and heaps of different weight plates etc) and now basically have a gym at home and I follow the strong curves programms