B Belly Struggles


New member
I've recently gained about 20lbs. I'm 4'11 and weigh 125lbs. Most of the fat is in my stomach. The weird thing is, is a lot of the fat is in my upper stomach.

It's so hard finding pants without completely spilling over the top because of my B belly. I'm having to wear shapewear with everything to keep things together but it's annoying having to wear so many layers of clothing.

No matter what I try, I can't seem to lose the belly fat. I've tried keto, 1200 calorie diets, at home workouts, 10k steps, anti-inflammatory diets, EVERYTHING! This B belly will not budge. I've also gone to the doctor several times to determine if I have hormonal or thyroid issues. Everything came back normal.

Has anyone else experienced this? What can I do to get rid of my B belly?
@hoseaman I think it will probably come off with time if you're in a deficit. I'm 5’2” and that's where most of my fat is too. It's a combination of genes and hormones I’m sure. Mine is visceral fat, so it's solid. My belly is slowly shrinking as I lose weight. I just really got consistent, so I expect it to take a few months or so. I’m 47. I started at 130 and am just seeing 127.

Based on my history, I expect it to be flatter once I reach 120.
@hoseaman You can't spot reduce. If you say you tried everything and nothing works, it's because spot reducing isn't a thing, it's not possible. If you say you tried everything and you can't lose fat/weight, that's a different discussion and you'd have to give more details.
@hoseaman I looked at the pic you posted in another subreddit and you have a really similar body shape to me. Given your current weight, I really don't think being on a deficit or going on crazy low-calorie diets will do anything. You have pretty high body fat and your stomach/back looks similar to mine (I also have high body fat). My stomach also pushes out like that too, it's just where I gain weight as well as on my back and legs. Can't guarantee this but it seems to be more common in short women given that we are well...more "compressed" lol.

I would highly recommend upping your protein intake and introduce yourself to lifting weights. It will improve your body composition a lot. This is the only route that has even had sustainable significant results for me without the need for starving myself or for going through exhausting tests.
@hoseaman I have the same thing. For me it never has really gone away no matter how much weight I’ve lost and recomp I’ve done. I think it’s just a place my body likes to store fat and perhaps if I cut enough weight I’ll get rid of it but that will likely be underweight… instead I’ve tried to make peace with the fact that this is how my body stores fat (inverted triangle shape) and that’s that. I’ve even considered lipo to get rid of it permanently…. What shape wear do you recommend for it by the way?

I call it my underboob- it almost looks like abs on me at my current body comp until I lean over or wear super tight pants/leggings.
@hoseaman I’ve dieted a few times and the best way to lose weight (for myself) was to stop eating store bought wheat products. Something inside of them makes my body rebel. I’m 42 to 47kg depending on the day. If I eat bread from a store or restaurant, I gain 4kg over night! Drink lots of water, figure out which vitamins you’re missing, walk daily to relieve stress and remember that your body is beautiful
@sneebuck Isn't it just water retention from the carbs and salty food, that 4kg overnight? Drinking lots of water helps you get rid of water retention. Water retention doesn't matter.
@jva It didn’t help me at all. I thought I had an intolerance to wheat at some point but when I make my own breads, there is no change. Obviously I know of water retention and tested my body during different situations. I wish it were just water weight…
@sneebuck Interesting. What do you think it is if it's not water weight? Or maybe just what makes you think it's not water weight? Genuine question
@jva I can’t say it’s 100% not water weight. I am not a scientist. Most of what I try is observation and experiments throughout the month.

All I know is that when I eat store bought bread I feel sluggish and my stomach bloats. Water weight also causes bloating but the degree isn’t as pronounced. So if I eat store bought bread and have a lot of water weight, I look so heavy. But if I eat my own bread and have water weight I’m bloated but not so heavy looking. I can still buckle my pants/skirts fine. I tested it out during menses as well. But making bread is easy with a bread maker. I can choose the type of flour and add cool nuts!
@hoseaman "Tried everything" OK but for how long consistently with one plan? You can't spot reduce, but you can lose that 20 pounds. Unfortunately for someone who is short that can take time.