Balancing fitness classes with lifting


New member
Hey all - looking for suggestions on, as the title says, balancing scheduled fitness classes with lifting. I’ve lifted 2-3 x’s per week previously, but not in about a year. I had some issues with my old gym/trainer so quit and joined a new gym that offers classes. I have really fallen in love with a few classes (barre, HIIT, Bodypump, etc). Usually I go 2-3 x’s per week and do a mix of those types of classes depending on what’s scheduled and how I feel. But I’d like to work in lifting maybe 2 x’s per week, just trying to figure out the best way to do it for recovery and not burning myself out in feeling too sore to perform my best at any given workout.

If I were to do this example schedule: Monday barre class, Thursday Bodypump, Saturday HIIT, when would be the best days to lift? Also since those classes are full body workouts would you try split days (upper one day, lower one day)?

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