Behind The Scenes BTS w/ Sevan


New member
Came to reddit to see what was posted about the possibility of Sevan spearheading the BTS at the 2023 games and saw no posts so starting an appreciation for Sevan, the Sevan Podcast and the entire Behind the Scenes situation.

So many people that got into CF and the CrossFit Games from 2012-2017 have cited BTS as a huge contributer to their interest. So much so that people still go back and watch 10+ year old videos of their favorite athletes and particular games. If you haven't watched, do yourself a favor and go to YouTube to watch!

Last night on the Sevan Podcast (you can disagree with some of his politics, but it is undeniable that he does more for CF than any other "media" personality in the space) he confirmed via phone call with Dave Castro that he would be filming the Behind the Scenes once again at the 2023 games. This is great news for long term fans of the sport. Regardless of your opinion of him, this will be the best view at ALL of the athletes and not just the typical media darlings (Mat, Tia, Mal, Noah, Dan Bailey (lol) etc). He has helped elevate so many of the current athletes with his podcast (thinking Colten, Arielle, Lazar, just to name a few in the past week), and originally made a name for so many OG athletes (too many to name but primarily Rich Froning and Josh Bridges!).

He also brought relevance to other media in the space (Andrew Hiller (who deserves his own appreciation post for changing CF going forward), Brian Spin, Clydesdale and his team, Chase, Grundler, Taylor Self, JR, John Young, and can't forget Brian Friend who hops media outlets quicker than a jack rabbit). Which provides alternative perspective and different approaches to our favorite sport. Sean and Tommy are great at what they do, but wouldn't have place without Sevan's work.

The guy is a legend and CrossFit and the CrossFit Games wouldn't be where it was without him. Thank you Sevan.
@starlight54 Sevan makes good content, but intersperses it with some fringe views/comments particularly around women (that he then hides as faux empowerment)

There's a reason Mat, Mal etc don't go on his content and it doesn't play well with their sponsors

That being said, there is a need for CF media to actually create some media, and he was the last head of CF media to do just that
@kennybest I don't think Mat won't go on his show now because of his sponsors. More likely Sevan offended him because he made rude comments to him (for example he asked if Mat's parents were stupid for doing something) and then Sevan kept pestering Mat to appear on his show at a stressful moment of Mat's life, then made snide comments about Mat for not appearing on his show. Sevan would excuse his behaviour by saying he was only joking, but it's something he does very often, saying nasty things and then says it's a joke.

Remember that it was Mat appearing on Sevan's podcast that made Sevan popular (I checked in the early days when he first started and he struggled to get a thousand views for his podcasts, and his later podcasts with Josh Bridges alone are not as popular). The spiteful way Sevan treated Mat doesn't show him in a good light. Mat however has been diplomatic about why he doesn't appear on his show (he said he was too busy), but he appeared in other podcasts and shows a couple of dozens times since he stopped appearing in Sevan's podcast (for example 3 times alone in Coffee Pods and Wods).
@jacknorth And when he does commentary some inexcusably misogynistic crap comes out. But I wholeheartedly agree that his BTS work is really good and whether it’s Sevan doing it or someone else it would be great to have it back.
@starlight54 I would happily welcome more BTS content. Sevan was always great at producing Crossfit media in that vein. His podcasts are almost totally unwatchable to me, though, due to his rambling format and lots of dumb, unnecessary comments that feel more like a gossip show. I wish he could rein in his material, condense it down to half the typical run time, and focus more on facts & data, because he obviously cares about the sport, he just isn't always great at expressing it in a clear, digestible manner.
@starlight54 What some fail to realize is he has invited all 80 of the elites for interviews pre games. He is doing this to be able to have context of who these athletes are ahead of time, to actually give us content from a diverse group of people. I do not need another documentary that doesn’t even focus on all TOP TEN athletes. It’s the same people over and over and it is why I have stopped watching Buttery Bros.

Sevan’s interviews with Emily Di Rooy, Arielle, Fee, Christine Kolandbrander..etc are shedding light on these people who work so hard (with less sponsor 💰) and could win events and no one will know from watching CrossFits usual footage.

He can be too much at times, I agree. But you can’t argue he doesn’t live and breathe the sport. He is doing more than most will ever do.