Behind The Scenes BTS w/ Sevan

@starlight54 What I’m interested in is how the new guard will perceive him. Many of the people who he would riff with are gone. I enjoyed the BTS for the most part, but with Sevan’s ties not being so tight since GG is gone I wonder if people will treat him differently. I’m not sure people understand how hard the games athletes had to kiss the ring of GG in order to stay in the circle.
@caleb_m The new people don't know that a lot of people didn't like him when he was there doing Behind the Scenes (Jacob Heppner for example disliked Sevan asking about having sex with his wife at the Games, and Sevan did like to ask such intrusive questions). Many people tolerated such things in the past and may even enjoy it, but doing things like that now (especially if he asks inappropriate question to women like he did) may put CrossFit in a bad light (again).

There is also talk that he is antagonistic toward some people who may be at the Games, like Tommy Marquez. Let's hope that he reins his likes and dislikes in and be fair about the people or athletes there. It's not pretty when he rants about people he didn't like on his show.
@giftsigns I'm so embarrassed to admit it but I would love to know the real tea of what went down between Sevan and everyone else. He once ranted about Dan Bailey for about 15 minutes on his podcast saying they used to be close but then Dan supposedly did something and now they're not. Same thing about him and the rest of the media personalities. Sevan gives just enough gossip to tease us and everyone else just rises above and prefers not to mention him. I want the details.
@grace4nan No idea. I just heard a few people saying that he might be doing it. The only time I heard Sevan mentioned something about it and he didn't actually confirm it. I only really listen to his podcast occasionally, so someone else might know more.

However, I would assume if he wants to do what he did in the past he would need CrossFit's permission to get access to the athletes at the Games. It would be associated with CrossFit in one way or another if he is going to do what he did in the past. If he is just interviewing athletes over the internet or just people wandering around the grounds talking to the odd athletes then that will be nothing like BTS.
just people wandering around the grounds talking to the odd athletes then that will be nothing like BTS.

I've seen snippets now and it seems to be this ^

He cold called Castro on his last show and asked him, he said '...suuure', then Castro said he needs to think about it and just hung up.
@grace4nan Probably because Dave was out and is back in now. As much of a good move as it was to bring him back, they didn’t have to and I assume Dave understands that. He’s probably going to be a little more careful with some of the stuff that would’ve been “fuck it” decisions before.
@caleb_m Absolutely, but it is also very clear now that it is all about making money. But it is still a tight rope act to garner more attention, but avoid being cancelled as a company.
a lot of people didn't like him when he was there doing Behind the Scenes (Jacob Heppner for example disliked Sevan asking about having sex with his wife at the Games, and Sevan did like to ask such intrusive questions).

I remember watching one of the BTS things and having to stop because his questioning of one of the women was so uncomfortable and gross. If I could deal with him I'd go back and put together a list of his worst questions
@jasonrporter0316 You probably should because right know this is just accusations. Many women go on his show and talk about very female centric topics and don’t appear to have any issues with it.
@caleb_m Sevan has interviewed or will interview before the games most if the individual field for his podcast. He also has some regular guests that he clearly gets along well with Colten Mertens, Arielle Lowen, Alex Gazan, Danielle Brandon etc. He also had Hopper on loads until he moved up with Fraser.

I think he'll be OK, obviously there will be some who don't want to talk.
@skelendke I’m sure there will be, but (outside of maybe DB and Hopper) are any of the regulars people who will vie for the podium? Admittedly I don’t follow Sevan’s pod so I’m not up to date on who are the regulars.

But in years past, he’d get a ton of content from those who were projected to win and then some from other noticeable people (Brooke Ence, for example).
@caleb_m I'm not sure how much it matters for the behind the scenes. He always steered clear of Mat and Tia. The men's side should be ok. He gets on with Pat and Justin pretty well.

The women's side might be more of a struggle at the sharp end apart from DB.
@st333333 You’re right. I was logic jumping in my head. I was thinking new guard will be the better placing individuals which will be the future BTS people because the old guard will retire.