Does anyone else have belly fat that looks/looked like this?

@davidjb Fun fact! For a lot of women, this isn't actually "fat", it's just the way that your organs sit. I'm PRETTY sure this is the case for you since you seem to have fairly little fat on your stomach. There may be a liiiittle fat on top of that, but I'm guessing that bump is mostly, like, uterus and intestines, which I don't recommend you try to get rid of ;)
@learnasigo That isn't uterus. Your uterus is pretty small and deep in your pelvis if you're not pregnant. It's a fat collection, and that location is a normal feminine fat storage location. Unless you've got a massive hernia or some spinal/congenital defect, it's more than likely fat.
@trifo Yup, if you build up your abdominal muscles it might be less noticible, though I wouldn't get my hopes up for it going away completely (also, the amount it is/isn't flat varies woman to woman)
@learnasigo That's really interesting! I have wondered if my youth in low cut tight skinny jeans forced my body into that shape because I have that same pooch. And now as an adult, I wear more high waisted skirts/slacks for work and the pooch has started to calm down.
This could be like how waist trainers mess with the placements of the organs!
This actually just made me feel way better about how my body looks knowing it could just be deformed and time can help it go away!
@crosswalk I suspect the same thing. I wore low cut jeans just because they were the closest fit I could find, and I've had an indentation going across the bottom of my stomach right where the top of my jeans would sit for years. Just examined it for the first time in awhile though, and wearing higher waisted jeans and losing weight has definitely changed it. It's no longer an actual indentation anymore, just a bit discolored.
@learnasigo I've actually wondered that for awhile but I suppose never really bothered to look into it. Good to know! I will definitely keep my organs right where they are. :)
@davidjb I'm betting intestines. I've always had this too, but since developing an inflammatory bowel disease it's gotten way more pronounced. My doctor said that it's pretty normal.
@gentlejeannie i have IBD too and it's been very pronounced for years. i'm hoping more exercise targeting that area will help make it at least not so obvious in a couple months. at 5'0 i'm trying to make it back down to 100 before may and started at 115 back in january. down to 105 now. some might be how the intestines sit too.
@davidjb You may have a forward tilting uterus, maybe next time when you get an exam, you can ask the doc which way it goes?

Mine has a posterior tilt.
@twocorners Yes. Your uterus can tilt forward, backwards or somewhere in between.

When I've had non pregnancy related ultrasounds, they typically mention my backwards tilting uterus.

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