Best split to train 3 times a week where the training sessions are one after the other?


New member
Hello, everybody. I would like to ask you what might be the best split if I train 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday).

Unfortunately, between work and personal commitments, I can't do otherwise. I've been doing push pull leg for about two months but I can't tell if it's going well.


db flat press 3 x 8-10 (almost to failure)

incline smith machine 3 x 8-10 (almost to failure)

cable flyes 6 x 12-15 (2 low, 2 mid, 2 high)

all 3 variations of db raise 5 sets x 15 (I took this from Ryan Humiston push wo)

4 x 12-15 db skullcrusher

4 x 12-15 pushdown cable


V bar pulldown 4 x 10

4 x 15 superset: Rows and high elbow rows for rear delts (I took this from Ryan Humiston pull wo)

bb row 4 x 15

deadlifts 5 x 5

4 x failure: Cable curl superset, pronated grip and supinated grip

preacher curl 4 x 15


Calves machine 4 x failure

Squat 5 x 5

Leg extension 4 x to failure

Leg curl 4 x to failure

single leg lunges 3 x failure

@brklynflp I'd run a full-body split that emphasized different body parts on different days, but still hit the entire body each workout.

Day 1 could focus on chest and back, but had some leg work

Day 2 could focus on shoulders and arms, while still hitting the rest a bit
Day 3 could focus on legs, while still hitting the rest just a little.
@brklynflp If you only have three days you should do full body.

Look on the boostcamp app for a program called rampage by geoffery verity Schofield. Its free qnd tracks workouts for you
@bronsontaur Actually I want to elaborate a bit more. In 3 consecutive days you won't be able to hit every body part 2x/ week, so honestly any split will do, just make sure the major bodyparts are getting 8+ sets per week.

People have been getting gains with low frequency for decades, so don't worry too much about that. Going by the evidence it's probably not ideal, but it still works. Just work hard enough to compensate the lack of volume/frequency and enjoy your off days. If you want to have some indirect extra frequency for smaller body parts you could do something like Chest+arms / Legs / Back + shoulders or Chest + bis/ Legs / Back + tris.
@brklynflp It's up to you, really. I would just advice against putting shoulder presses consecutive to chest day. Either train those together with chest or 48h later/before. Shoulder raises and rear delt work honestly could go anywhere you'd like, unless you're doing huge volume it shouldn't effect performance the next day.
@brklynflp I would do 1A, 2A, 1B, 2B.

So like, Upper 1A, Lower 2A, Upper 1B, Lower 2B.

So if you bench on Wednesday, you can do Incline Bench on the Friday. Same but different.

Or you can do same workouts but 6-8 range the one day, and 12-15 the other.
@brklynflp Keep it simple and stick to your PPL. You can “periodize” by playing with your # of sets/rep range/ rest intervals (less rest = more sets? More rest = less sets?) / intensity of effort every 2-4 months.
@brklynflp PPL is fine for 3 consecutive days, but you might want elemenets of a full body routine.

So you could add biceps to Push, triceps to Pull, and shoulders to legs - and you could probably hit calves everyday, or every other day