Body weight training videos- Let me know your thoughts!

I'm a Personal Trainer with 9 years experience focusing mainly on bodyweight and kettlebells for the last 4. I am putting together some instructional videos and would love some feedback. My goal is to build a movement library and help people learn some technical aspects of basic movements. I would love feedback and any suggestions for movements to shoot next.

Side Kick Through

Skater Squat
@mskt Thanks for the feedback, it's helpful! My plan is to build an app to deliver full workout and complete programs. I'll try out some full workouts for YouTube next time I shoot.
@warmdrinkscolddays Hi Simon. Great videos. Only two so far? The proposal looks interesting. I'm one of those guys that needs to improve his stability and hip mobility. Over the years I have focused only on weight lifting and my joints are rusty (my lower back hurts,my knees crack,etc). I'm following you already on YouTube. Keep posting 👍🏻
@nekiera Thank you for following on Youtube! I have almost 40 videos up so far I only posted a couple of the bodyweight movements here to get some feedback. I hope you find the channel helpful. I focused on weightlifting for years as well and moving to bodyweight and kettlebells has done wonders for my strength and mobility. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about programming and/or coach you towards the best shape of your life!
@warmdrinkscolddays I like that you are showing not very common exercises. Since you work with bodyweight movements and kettlebells it might be a cool idea to show how you can use kettlebells to assist bodyweight training (like using kettlebells as parallettes for l sit holds, push ups, handstand push ups etc...; how to use them for stretching...).

Personally I've always been interested in implementing kettlebell exercises in my calisthenics routine, the only issue is that whenever I try I have no idea on how to balance overall weekly volume/intensity
@defiant1968 Thanks for the feedback! I write programs for my online clients all the time that address training volume for kettlebells. The progressions are quite different from traditional weightlifting but similar to calisthenics. I am starting to write programs for my app to help people get the most out of their workouts. I'll make a video to go over the basics if programming next shoot. I am happy to answer any programming questions you have and/or coach you through some.
@warmdrinkscolddays Short, informative, and to the point. Love that you demonstrate the exercises and point out places where people like to cheat them. I think you're sharing important information here, and would love to see more!
@warmdrinkscolddays Nice! I agree with all the positive feedback so won't repeat. However, IMHO, ditch the dark clothes against the black mats. Hard to see your hip location and movements clearly which I think is important for this short and informative video.

Also the long shot of you where you are taking up like 1/10th of the screen I would bring the camera way closer so you are more like 80% of the shot. As nice as your setup is the video isnt about it.

Not hating,really loved this and would love more. The KB progressions would be very interesting too.

When's your app out or are you doing this on playbook or similar?
@pollyk Thanks for the feedback! It is insightful and helpful. I'll address the visual issues for the next shoot.

So far my app is through wix but I am looking to branch out to an app builder to build an app available on google/Apple. (Any advice on which?) Currently, I use the video with online clients and a few testers for the programs.

There are some kettlebell progressions on my YouTube channel but I left them off of the bodyweight reddit.