@russg There is absolutely no scam involved. The products are high quality (we still buy them) and have amazing warranties. She got 60% of what she sold. No one got screwed. The customer got great products and everyone made money. Easy part time gig.
@dawn16 It is exactly apples to apples, when your qualifying statement is simply "X used to make bank doing Y. Nothing scammy about it"

Addition: If you had said, they have great products, warranties, customer service blah blah blah. That would be a different story, and then it wouldn't be apples to apples.
@dawn16 Fair enough.... They are the shit. Fantastic.

But that was not your argument for why it wasn't scammy. Your argument was that they are not scammy because you can make "bank" selling it.
@e31 Well our box sells progenex, kill cliff, and fit aid.. But we would never promote pyramid schemes.. Theres also a small group of ppl that all go to the same church and have brought us new members from said church, but we dont have church events or anything like that.. Kinda weird.. Then again.. theres some boxes out there totally devoted to the church mentality.. I.e. Christfit in Houston.