Box Owner Question


New member
Real question for all the box owners.

A) If you don’t pay your staff of coaches do think a free membership is sufficient payment for working for you.

B) If you pay your staff whats the going hourly rate you pay them.

C) If you don’t pay a “salary” why?

A little context for years all the coaches I have worked with have felt it to be unfair to pull 5/6 shifts a week for a $150 membership. Which I agree to some extent. Just wondering how we keep and retain good coaches if we never pay them.

Any other business in the world if you were told to work for free lunch only daily we would tell said employer to get bent. Wondering why CrossFit has majorly evolved to be this expensive service to the masses but expects constant almost free or low wage workers?
@skizzik183 When I started coaching in '08 I was paid only after I worked 5 hours a month to cover my membership. I thought that was crap so when I opened a box in 2010 I paid coaches $20 an hour and gave them a free membership for them and their spouse. Now it's around $28 depending on experience and certs. Coaches work between 2-20 hours a week. It would seem odd to pay them salary. I feel that is more appropriate for full time workers.
@skizzik183 I’ve worked in the fitness industry since 2001 and never had to pay for a gym membership where I was working. In my opinion, trainers should stay in shape if they want credibility. It’s simply an aspect of the job. Giving a free membership is the easiest thing an owner can do to encourage that. The only time I ever paid for a membership was coach crossfit from 08-09.
@farmerdex Same general story here. I also have 3 full timers effectively on salary at 37.5 hours per week with consistent schedules day to day and week to week. We offer health and dental benefits including eye care and we pay for any professional development courses we want them to take annually. They also get paid a bonus rate when they do individual program design or personal training.
@farmerdex My partner, business and life, worked at a couple gyms, always with the idea of one day opening our own. From day one coaches and spouses get free memberships. Even at just a couple classes a week. Yes, it “costs” as some were both paying members but we think it’s more important to have them as part of the community and in the past I always disliked the feeling when I had to pay and also ended up helping my partner with work stuff (setting up for events/open). We’re small so we don’t have enough hours to have anyone close to full time yet but we try to pay more then other gyms, as in investment in our coaches, and we give a $500 per year bursary for continuing education. It helps that we own our building, a big capital investment we chose to make, so we can ease the burden of monthly expenses though.
@skizzik183 We pay our coaches $20 for every class they coach, plus a free membership for them and a spouse. In addition, we pay for any CF certifications they want to pursue (L1, L2, etc)
@skizzik183 $35 an hour for classes
$20 per hour per person in the Foundations/Intro/On ramp session
$10 for set up, break down before class, or if they have to be at a gym event (Judging, member appreciation, etc)
70% of whatever they choose to charge for personal training
@skizzik183 Interested in others history here. I recently interviewed for a coaching gig where the owner was going to have me pay the monthly fee for membership as a coach and pay under $20 an hour.

I walked away from that 'opportunity'
@skizzik183 Yep couldn't even guarantee a certain number of sessions per week either. On top of that, had to be a member of the gym for a month before they'd even consider letting me coach
@rawrdinorawr I dislike everything else about the gyms stance on paying (or not paying in this case) coaches but I am with them on having someone be a member for a while before they “hire” you. It’s a two way street and the owners wana make sure you fit in as a member of staff and that you like their gym, programming etc. I’d not coach at a gym that I wasn’t part of for a while first either.

But making a coach pay for a membership is just bs
@skizzik183 I went from paying 200$ a month and making only 15$ a class at my old box to now getting a free membership, and my wife’s membership discounted while also making 30$ an hour per class. Also we charge an minimum 500$ a month for PT sessions, and as long as I coach 5 classes a month I keep 450$ of that personal training fee. Oh and my new box has constant open gym. And the owner is a semi final athlete. So lots to learn and gain there.