Bro split v ppl and intensity factor


New member
I’m 18 and about 9 months into training. I have developed a great physique so far and I wanna enhance my training.
I did ppl first 3 months then I’ve done chest tri, back, shoulders, arms, legs. What I did was after I trained 2 days I took a rest day. I took this from Dorian Yates. My intensity is super super high and I train pretty comparable to him.

For all the studies showing 2x hitting a body part per week is best what were the participants training intensity? Probably fck all. I think that 6 days a week nonstop is too much if a person is actually training intensely. Doesn’t the nervous system need to recover?

But lately I have noticed that with calories high and sleep good 3-4 days nonstop is great. Not sure about 6.
Training super intensely what should my volume look like for ppl? Of course I will experiment on my own as my body is different than everyone else’s.

Also training very intense sometimes fatigue may catch up. Any tricks for this. High carb pre workout meal, honey pre workout w salt and also intra dextrose or orange juice.
I have a good mind muscle connection with everything.

What I think I might do now is try to train body part 2x per week and give it a go. my main focus is shoulders arms and chest.
Is there a big difference if I do 6 days nonstop or 3 days rest and continue again. Can I add in another shoulder/arm day?
@fiafabes Try a Torso(Chest, Back, Shoulders) and Limbs(Arms, Legs). 4x a week and each muscle is hit twice. You get to focus on your arms more than Upper/Lower. Overall, I get 12 sets for Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders and 15 for Chest and Back. It is pretty fun to do, and I got great results.
@dawn16 I have not felt the indirect work from presses and back compounds that much fatiguing. I can feel my triceps working on torso, but by the next day, they are fine and never sore. It must vary individually, but mine seem to recuperate fast.
@orangetabbycat I’m rethinking my approach only because people are saying training body part 2x a week is better. I just wanna reach my physique goal more efficiently and not water time so I wanna enhance my training. Would training only the body parts I wanna bring up to 2x be enough. 3 days on 1 day off is where I’d start or as my calories go up and recovery is perfect I’d give 4 days on a go too.I love having individual days like arms or shoulders to hammer them but I’m willing to try something different. I am smart enough to understand that I won’t find all the answers right now and I need to try all different splits for myself and see what works. It excites me! But training arms standalone vs bi tris 4x a week as in a usual ppl split what would result in more growth.
@intotheforge Intensity is the real driver for growth. Frequency helps but intensity is first. All these studies just do 3 sets of 12 which is nowhere near the intensity real bodybuilders go to. If you had a person going hard vs nerding out and training 6 days a week nonstop guess who would be bigger? I think 3 days on 1 day off is way better.
@fiafabes U can do 6 sets to failure one day or 1 set to failure for 6 days.

Now those are the two extremes but you get the gist.

Adherence and consistency is the main driver for growth then comes proximity to failure.

Everything goes to shit if one cannot be consistent enough.

Plus i like the gym. Id go twice a day 6 times a week if I can but im natural, and dont wanma do trillion laindry.
@fiafabes I would definitely do a three days on one day off over six days on one day off if you’re not a slave to consistent scheduling. Six days straight assuming you’re not on gear is asking for burnout.