Burpee Variations for Beginners


New member
This video includes a fairly systematic progression of 7 variations that should should make building up towards full burpees more accessible for many older/deconditioned people:

1 Elevated plank walkout

2 Elevated plank jumpout

3 Elevated plank jumpout + pushup (= Elevated 6-count burpee?)

4 Plank walkout

5 Plank jumpout + hand walk

6 Plank jumpout + knee pushup

7 "Deconstructed burpee" (= plank jumpout + pushup = 6-count burpee?)

However it omits a few potentially useful variations:

4a Plank walkout + hand walk

4b Plank walkout + knee pushup

4c Plank walkout + pushup (= walkout 6-count burpee?)

For people who can't do pushups and squat poorly, going through 1-7 could slowly develop those abilities within a burpee-like framework.

People who can do some pushups and squats, but tend to jar/fear jarring their lower back during jumpouts (or perhaps want/need to do the exercise barefoot on a hard surface), might find 4 & 4c sufficient prep for 7, followed by fluid 6-count burpees.
@fbgah I do the deconstructed burpee, except there is a jump at the end. I think the plyometrics make it more difficult and better for you.