Physically can’t do a burpee

@bootsie1 If you are getting chest to deck, then coming to a full hip extension at the top, it doesn't matter how you get there. Keep doing your thing!

Spend a little time each day practicing a runner's stretch/lizard pose to open up your hips. Like 30-60 seconds per side, per day. If you can start to bring your feet to a wider stance on the way up, it'll help you get them flatter, to give you more leverage to get yourself back to standing.
@bootsie1 I can do them rx with difficulty, and it will burn out my lower back. I just don't have good mobility.

However, I can do old man style step ups almost as fast as anyone else doing rx. Do unless it calls for Rx, I'm not doing it.
@bootsie1 That's totally a burpee! It's better to do it "modified" and safely than in a way that's going to lead to you being in pain (which will happen if you keep landing on your toes with your knees bent... Your knees and possibly ankles will wind up hurting.) Keep working on them, and as you get more comfortable with them, try popping up again and continue based on how that feels. But never, ever feel like you're doing something wrong just because you don't currently have the mobility to do it the way everyone else is!
@bootsie1 Good news! You can do a burpeee. What you’re doing is a burpee. It’s just getting up and down. It’s one of the most functional things you can do.

Congratulations on starting CrossFit. It will really help you and I’m glad you’re in the community.
@bootsie1 When I first started i would do a burpee with a 45lb plate under my hands for the push up part - this gave me more room under my upper body to jump back up. It was MAJORLY helpful and I'm up to regular burpees now.
@bootsie1 I climbed down and back up for the first year of CrossFit (my knee was in bad shape when I started.)

My coach likes to say "It still counts!!" and it does.

"It's not a real burpee" I would say.

"Yes it is a real burpee!" he says.

You got down on the ground. And you came back up! It still counts. There's no shame in scaling your burpees. Climb now until you get really good at it. Jumping will come with time. 👍
@bootsie1 Widddeeeeee feet. Step or hop your feet WAYYYY outside of your hands, the wider the stance, the more likely you’ll
find space in your hips to keep your heels down. Just as much mobility as strength.

Practice from a plank or a down dog, one side at a time. (Think worlds greatest stretch)

Happy to troubleshoot some other ideas too if you want to shoot me a message! Once feet are wide (but flat) it’s a hell of a lot easier to use your leg strength to stand up or hop up!
@bootsie1 I'm also 6'2" with poor mobility, and I also struggle with burpees.

However, this week I discovered a new way to do them. At first I was sure I was going to be no-repped. It was so much easier that I could do them at probably twice the rate, and it seemed like a completely different exercise. However, I checked with an L3 coach and the official CF movement standards and it is fine.

I start on my feet. I kneel down, while leaning backwards slightly. I drop to my knees, and flop forwards. The whole time my feet don't move.

To get up I basically do the reverse. I push myself up so I'm kneeling, sitting on my ankles, but with my lower legs splayed out slightly. Then I jerk myself backwards, giving myself momentum with my arms until I'm on my feet in a squat, then stand up.