The 3-Minute Burpee Test: A Minimalistic Alternative to the Conventional Estimated Oxygen Uptake [VO2max] Test

@kns87111 The man is long dead and the only copy of his original exercise is sitting on a shelf of his grand daughter home, so we have to guess. But I wager it's to measure heart rate change and return to baseline so you should do it as fast as you could, in this case squat thrust and do frog leap out of plank.
The lone remaining copy of his published thesis, which details how and why he devised the unique and powerful combination of movements, sits on a shelf at Generations Fitness, my health and fitness studio.

And she hasn't scanned it and put it online. smh
@justabirdwatcher They state in the article

Although the burpee is essentially a push-up and jump-up exercise in a series of movements, it was excluded for three reasons: first, as a result of a 3MBT in a preliminary experiment, a number of push-ups could not be performed due to differences in the push-up technique (upper limb lowering) or after a number of times The second reason was that the jump height of the jump-up was not specified and there were large individual differences, and the third reason was to make the method consistent with the methods of previous studies
@projecthomecoming Facts, the busydad rotation of the 6 count on 1 day, rest, 10 count navy on day 3, rest, rinse repeat; is gnarly.

I've more than doubled my navy seal count over the past month. It's noob gains, but they have me thrilled.
@fbgah Where do I compare my results?

I was able to complete 52. I then multiplied by .2 and then added 36 and got 46.4. where does my weight, height and age come into play?

Hope to get a response as I want to know where I'm at.
@fbgah Ah man I'm over it!

The page isn't there weirdly enough. I tried googling a random chart but don't know how reliable it is. I appreciate the effort you put into this so I wanna see where I rank