C&P: Mixing KB weights in same session


New member

I am focusing on the clean and press and want to find or build a program that can give me a good mix between strength, conditioning, and hypertrophy. Of course, I have run The Giant and the other go-tos.

The other day, I lined up a few bells and did the following:

Double 16s (RM=16) - 8 reps

Single 20 (RM=10) - 4 reps each side without setting the bell down

Single 24 (RM=4) - 1 rep each side without setting the bell down

I finished 5 rounds of this circuit in 30 minutes. Does it make any sense to vary the weights in the same session, or do you think it's better to focus on a more standard approach where you are more set on what you want to achieve and focus solely on that for a few weeks?
@wolfshield It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. But since you want a mix between all of the attributes you mentioned the way you are approaching making sense. Just make sure you have some light medium and heavy days to avoid burning out and hitting a plateau (light days less rounds medium days medium rounds etc)
@wolfshield Would it make sense to have, let's say, 3 sessions a week, where one each focuses on a specific attribute?

I've heard of studies where strength and endurance were mixed with at least the endurance not being affected by the strength training.
@wolfshield I actually prefer to mix different weights for C+P, but did them on separate days, for example using 28's one day for pure strength training, then on another day using 24's for hypertrophy, and sometimes even back to the 20's for pure conditioning.

Doing them on different days allowed me to focus on improving specific things .

I never did different bells on the same day though, it sounds interesting but I suppose I felt that would take away from what I'm trying to accomplish.
@belovedsone Could you briefly say how you focus on strength ? (With your heaviest bell I understood, but is this max reps sets? Lot of reps? How many rest between sets?)
Same for hypertrophy?
For conditioning I would guess fewer rests and longer sets (but correct me if I'm wrong)
@christiangirl2017 heavy weights are low reps(1-3), higher rests. medium weight about 5-8 reps less time(1-2 minutes), light weight about 9-11 reps same time(1-2 min)

Usually done for max sets within a 30 min. time frame regardless of the weight, the weight determines how much actual work you'll be able to put in, obviously the 28's force a longer rest time.