Remembering Weights

@khurram79 I would definitely have to plan and write that out and i don’t have dyscalculia.

Get some help if you need to but if your gym does lots of percentage based work you could bring a notebook with the most used percentages and the plates you need written beside it.

Your coach was being a dick though, any class would have a few people who couldn’t calculate when their heart rate rises
@nebula1 This too. I got an A in every single math class I ever took, and it was a lot. Calculus 3 and beyond. I can do a lot of math in my head and I can't always think while working out. I can lose count of reps on the way to the astronomical number of 10.

It is very common for people to use whiteboards and such to keep track of weights and numbers because absolutely zero people on the planet have increased mental acuity during a workout like that.
@m0rdecai89 Thank you both. I think it was because I actually don’t have one rep maxes yet—my first class was at the end of May, and the first half of June I only went 3 days a week.

I think just bc of the quantity of reps I did last, the coach told me to calculate .9 of my body weight then work backward for each set, and I was just thrown off thereafter because it was RIGHT before the interval started. I would’ve prepped, but I also didn’t know I would do percentages because I hadn’t done any rx workout til then. It was always modified bc I was new.
@khurram79 I'm not sure if yall use an app or not or if it has it but I know the SugarWod app that my gym uses has a whole section that tracks your weights for the different lifts and gives you the various percentages and reps broken down so its easy to quicky see what 65%, 75%, whatever might be for the workout.
@nebula1 I just got the beyond whiteboard app! I was only going 3x a week until last week when I upped my membership, and qualified for it. I hear itll all be easier once I know one rep maxes?
Thanks yall!! I definitely will go in prepared; I think the issue is yesterday was the very first day I actually did the rx’d workout.

The coaches always had me doing something different because I was new, but when the coach saw what I did previously, (it was like 15 reps of a 113 back squat) he was like, you need percentages. So literally right before the lift, I had to calculate the all the percentages, because I’d never had them before, then try to figure out what went on the bar. I need to try and preemptively prevent this before I move to percentages with other lifts, lol
@khurram79 Oh good grief. That sounds super stressful. That is 100% on the coach. They should not have thrown you from onboarding workouts into calculating percentages. Use all your supports of coming in prepared and I think you’ll be good moving forward.
@deniseoli Yeah I think what I’m going to do next time for a new lift is to do what was already rx’d for me previously and calculate the percentages thereafter for the next class. Even talking about it helps me feel better. I was feeling pretty unintelligent yesterday
As in, if the coach feels I can do percentages, to wait until I can figure stuff out and do them the next time the lift comes up
@khurram79 I use an app called RackMath to help figure my bar loading. You can populate it with the weights your gym has and even set custom bar weights.

It can be used to tell you HOW to load the bar for a given weight or the reverse. What the weight is with a given plate load.
@jackman915 I know everyone has days when they get frustrated, so it’s okay. I think I felt worse because he’s one of my favorite coaches so that made me feel bad— like a bad student in school again, lol.
@khurram79 After awhile, it stops being math and is just a thing you know. I know a men's bar with 2x45 plates on it is 135. I didn't do any math there: I just know it after doing it so many times. The same thing will probably happen to you after awhile. You just start to know how to hit the landmarks without calculation (for me, it's 65, 95, 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 275, 315).
@aaronemill12 Thank you! I’m trying to keep in mind that I’ve only being doing this a little over a month, and started at 3 days a week. I think I’ll hopefully get there putting some tools in place!