Calisthenics with Wendler 5/3/1 or nSuns


New member

I've been training with weights for the last 20 years, and have recently become more interested in incorporating some calisthenics work (especially rings) to my routines. I'd still like to continue to try and progress with the major lifts aswell, so I was wondering if anyone has any experience about using calisthenics as accessory exercises in either Wendler's or nSuns 5/3/1 programs.

Thanks in advance!
@bohn Thanks for info.

Yeah that's basically what I was thinking: weighted pull ups & dips, ring push ups / weighted push ups, different variations of ring rows...With arm work I would probably still keep working with weights.
@hubalicious Yoo i do nsuns and calisthenics too, just do exercises that hit muscle groups on the day you would normally hit that group, and try to do the calisthenics immediately after your main nsuns lifts. Then do your weighted accessories afterwards.
@dawn16 Yeah that's what I was planning. I've been playing around with something like this (5 day routine):

Weighted dips,
Ring pull-ups,
SS Bicep Curl + KB french press

Front squat,
Ring rollouts for abs

Ring push-ups (later progression arched or weighted),
SS Bent over lat raises + face pulls

Pull ups,
Farmer walk,
Ring rollouts for abs

Bicep Curl,
Ring dips or ring pressdowns,
@dawn16 Naah...You think so? :D I was honestly thinking that there might be too little accesories, after reading the nSuns thread where most people have like 4-6 accesory movements. Of course ring work is more challenging...
@hubalicious Yeah people neglect the fact that calisthenics puts insane stress on ligaments and joints, my mate hadnt done any calisthenics conditioning and every time he does one muscle up he injures his elbow because his joints and shit arent strong enough. So definitely enough volume just let your joints adapt to the stress then you can add more imo
@dawn16 I bet you're right. I actually went practising false grip too much too frequently, and started to get symptoms with golfer's elbow. Then again, I'm constantly having problems with rotator cuffs aswell (probably from benching), but I've found that ring push-ups are the ones thay I can do without any pain. I guess it's because my body is able to find the most natural movement path (compared to barbell bench).

Ring dips on the other hand tend to cause a bit more pain than regular dips.
@hubalicious Wendler has a bodyweight template in the original 5/3/1 book. He has you doing chinups, dips, single leg squats (I assume pistols or shrimp squats), etc. Alternatively, you could take a template like the Periodization Bible one from the 5/3/1 book and substitute ring/BW exercises for the recommended accessories. For example, you could do ring rows on one of the days instead of dumbbell rows, and Nordic curls could be substituted for GHR, etc.