A Guide for Maximizing Hypertrophy with Calisthenics

@sally454 That is not a photo of me... That is a photo of professional bodybuilder Jared Feather. The photo is just included with the links automatically by Reddit, I did not choose the picture.
@raykay Could you provide a list of recommended exercises? I presume youre following the 2 push 2 pull (vertical and horizontal), 1 squat, 1 hinge system?

Especially wondering about the hinge and squat, i found that planche and FL strenghend my lower back quite a bit but not enough by itself, even when adding the bridge.
@atg For training the low back I tend to do single leg back extensions at 90 degrees, with band resistance to add some challenge. You can also do reverse hyperextensions with bodyweight and a band at the ankles for a similar effect.
@atg Single leg movements like bulgarian split squats for high reps, then hindu squats or deep sissy squats to failure. When you get better at bulgarian split squats, elevate your front foot on a box or platform for a deeper stretch. If you have any weights, even a light dumbbell, I'd recommend holding it at the shoulder while you do the split squat.

If you do the hindu squats, replicate the way Indian wrestlers do them, rhythmically and when you get better add a small hop at the top. Eventually you'll be able to handle many reps, and it will become an explosive conditioning movement that trains your cardio while also challenging the legs.

If you do sissy squats instead, make sure you engage your glutes and abs to keep your low back neutral, and support with your hands to avoid balance problems.

This is assuming you can handle full knee flexion, make sure your body can handle that ROM before starting the higher reps for hindu squats or sissy squats. If your glutes need extra work, train movements like single leg glute bridges, hip thrusts, and shoulder bridges to failure.
@raykay This is really helpful to me, going to incorporate these exercises! Out of curiousity, im presuming that for upper body you mainly do banded resistance push ups, chin ups, dips or with ring and extra weight added?

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