Can’t do a single pushup

@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn How’s your nutrition? Eating enough protein? If you aren’t giving your body what it needs to build muscle, it isn’t going to.

Maybe try something other than body weight? Go to the gym and use machines or free weights? That’ll make it so you can use less weight than you body and build up.
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Push-ups are heavily chest muscles based...

I still remember when I first started doing push-ups my chest muscles wouldn't even activate, and all the other supporting muscles would take over, which made it way harder...

I started at a max of like 6 wall push-ups, now on a good day I can clear almost 10 regular good-form ground push-ups.

Walk me through what you've tried, and what you're doing currently.

How you position your body matters a lot. Moving my hands an extra half a foot can make the difference between pumping them out or extremely struggling
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Initially I’d say lose weight but I see you’re 210 at 6’5. Continue to do them at an incline and do 3 sets of 10-12 3 days a week. Once you get 3sets of 12 try to lower the incline a bit and build back up.
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Judging from your responses I would try to find a well regarded PT in your area and address these problems with them since they should be able to help refer you to the right professionals and train around what issues arise. It’ll let you focus on your training while they can focus on who you should be seeing along the journey.

I can’t gauge exactly what doctors you are seeing but ones such as General Practitioners may not be too helpful in regard to your issues just because you may need a specialist. With the issues mentioned I wouldn’t try this fitness journey alone for a few reasons such as using equipment may be safer than body weight for your progress, and training around medication/chronic fatigue should be monitored. Just remember this is the hardest part of your journey so good luck and enjoy the process.
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn Interesting. Well like I said, no such thing as untrainable. You have a hard, long road ahead of you, but you can do it.

I fully believe that by this time next year, you will have done one push-up. All you can do is keep trying. If you succeed, you’re stronger than you were. If you fail, you’re still stronger than you were. Only good can come of continuing to work hard for your fitness goals. Good luck my friend. Keep this sub updated on your progress, we’d all love to see how you go
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn I didn't think it was possible for a 25 year old guy who doesn't have an obvious serious medical condition. You probably want to contact a medical professional preferably a relevant specialist, this sounds pretty serious and being that week could kill you if you fall down or something.
@fjdajfkldajkbfejfnsiqn My advice is don't do pushups for now, because its like trying to do your one rep max every day. Do only free weight or machine exercises for a month or two and get strong which will indirectly help you in achieving your first pushup

And from there use greasing the groove approach to increase your pushup count exponentially