Can’t lose weight


New member
Hey, I’m 25F and half a year ago moved for studies to a new city, and around that time I gained ca 10kg (22lb), I assume due to stress, which I just can’t get rid of right now. I work out every day, plus I bike every day ca 40min, so according so my smart watch I use ca 2400kcal a day
I’m trying to reduce the amount of food I eat, but I’m usually just genuinely hungry to the point that it distracts me from studying etc. I’m not obese, I’m slightly overweight, ot of of my weight probs is muscle mass, but not these 10kg that I’m above my healthy baseline now. (I have also weighed unhealthily little in the past, so I know what that is, too).
I eat almost all whole foods, recently also more cookies due to stress, but I had a period of zero added sugar, and I still didn’t lose any weight. Ca 1 meal a day is currently from Huel Black Edition shakes which are 400kcal and 40g protein (with the idea of keeping me full).
Any tips? It feels just very sad, because my face looks different etc
@irisv007 Adjusting to a calorie deficit takes an adjustment period. For me it’s about 3 days. For 3 days you will be hungry. It will suck. But you can do it.

Pay close attention to what you eat, and focus on foods that maximize satiety. Focus on hitting your protein goal, (probably around 100g at least depending on your weight?) and that will make you feel fuller.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are great fillers too.

Low calorie veggies like cabbage and cauliflower take up plenty of space too.

Be judicious with fats. Personally I try to eliminate them as much as possible because I like to volume eat. But I’m finding that some peanut butter or soemthing eaten at the right moment really makes me feel fuller for longer.

You can do it !
@thecodsterman Thanks! I never cool with oil, but I sometimes have uni canteen food (I always have the vegetable soup orsmth that doesn’t seem to have much oil).
For protein I mostly use protein powder (but it’s sweet, so I add it to oatmeal, idk how to combine it with potatoes orsmth), and this meal replacement shake thing that has 40g protein and 400kcal per shake. When I can, I also eat some beans/chickpeas/lentils later, but that’s general extra calories.
I’ll try to eat more vegetables, I almost always start meals with raw carrots or cherry tomatoes or just a tiny head of lettuce, but I guess I should do more.
Thank you!
@irisv007 Definitely reduce protein powder intake if you can and opt for high protein foods like seitan and TVP. It fills you up more for sure. Nothing against protein powder, liquids just don’t take the edge off like something I can chew.
@thecodsterman Thanks! I usually just don’t have a way to carry full meals with me to work/uni, because my bag’s very heavy already. I really like tvp, I hope I’ll soon have time to make some seitan too. I could try adding tvp to oatmeal instead, I’ve seen people do that
@irisv007 If you are not loosing weight, it means that you are not in a calorie deficit. Simple as that.

You can either increase the calories burnt from exercise or reduce the calories you consume.

Also, I am assuming that the cycling is not during 'exercise' time and you are commuting with it. If that is the case, I would not count these calories extra.
@alexsad Yeah, the cycling’s just commuting, and my smart watch counts my total energy spending, which is (including exercising) on avg 2400kcal a day.

I do realise it’s calories in - calories out, I’m rather struggling how to get over the feeling of hunger so that I’d eat less. I’m also always eating some (usually raw) vegetables before the more calorie-dense foods.
@irisv007 I would not base the calories out from the smart watch to be honest. They tend to over calculate them.

Regarding the hunger, have you tried eating more high volume veggies? For example, start every meal with a big salad with Kale, tomatoes, cucumber etc. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water
@irisv007 I work out 4-5 days a week lifting weights, usually for 90-120 minutes a day. My smartwatch says I burn 3000 to 3800 calories a day. But tracking my food and weight has told me my daily usage is closer to 2500, so definitely don't trust your smartwatch!
@irisv007 Lot's of good ideas here, so I'm not sure this adds to much. My experience has been the only way I can lose weight is if I spend a couple weeks tracking and weighing everything I eat in an app (I use cronometer) and I try to do /r/Volumeeating with no junk food. If I'm still hungry at the end of the day I only have carrots and popcorn for snacks if I'm too far above my target weight.
@irisv007 There's been good comment already here. Maybe along with everything said, it'd be worth trying to keep a food journal just for a few days? I did that just to sort of calibrate my judgment of calorie intake. Just get a free cronometer account a log a few days, might give you insight. Also for exercise, keep doing training if you like, but if you can integrate more walking in your daily life it can be very beneficial. For weight loss, a lot of low intensity exercise goes a long way. Keep it up! All the best :)
@shunree Thanks, I’ll do it! I try to keep hope, it feels kinda tough because I have been reducing what I eat for last two months, but I haven’t lost even a kg
@irisv007 I’m also on major body recomp/weight loss for T2D. What is your height & current weight? Any resistance exercise program besides the cycling yet?
@anniejey I’m 164cm and 70kg (5’10, 160 pounds). I do weight training at the gym almost every day, often not with 100% effort, because my willpower has gone elsewhere, but it’s still helpful, I hope. Cycling’s just commuting way.
@irisv007 Try eating high protein & very low carb for 2 weeks. Prioritizing protein -- will keep you full alot longer & help to burn more calories ( proteins burns higher cals than carb or fat)

Daily: 130g protein

Especially all protein breakfast (~45g) --

A big Tofu Scramble ( again, 40-50g of protein minimum) & some berries


Seitan sausages ~4 ( 40-50g protein)


Pea or soy Protein isolate smoothie w some raspberry, blackberry or strawberries. coffee & tea are fine.

Lunch can be lighter - salad with tofu, tempeh or beans

Dinner should be high protein-- ~60g & your carbs, only add extra fat for taste-- olive, avocado or coconut oil

Hv a dessert or pre bed Protein smoothie (25-30g)

Plenty of water.

You should def see some results on this approach for a few weeks then you can adjust as needed!

Watch this for inspiration:

The Vegan Gym | Vegan meal prep for weight loss

@anniejey Thank you! I’ll try it out when I have more time [sup]^[/sup] I think the main struggle would be fruit because it’s my favourite snack haha, and berries are more expensive
@irisv007 Basically if you do one small change rn, it will def help reset your metabolism:

Eat a high protein-only breakfast: 45g
for a week.

Keep you crazy full all day & help you curb unneeded calories.

Cheers! 🖖
@irisv007 Focus on calorie density. You can have a baked potato for about 300 calories per pound. Just don’t dump a lot of fat onto it. Check out nutritionist Jeff Novik’s lecture on calorie density. It helped me a ton. You likely need more low calorie starches in your diet so you feel satiated without a huge calorie load.