Can someone explain RX v scaled scoring?

@john6574 There is something a bit flawed in the fact someone could row 300m, not even touch a barbell and end their workout after 1 minute…. Submit their score as 30 reps RX and immediately outscore every person who scaled.

But it is what it is and it’s always been that way.

If you care about the leaderboard, do RX.

If you care about getting a good workout in, do the scaled one.
@john6574 Im on the same boat as you, my row is pretty decent, deadlift weight its not a problem for me but DUs are a nightmare, i cant do more than 5 at once and sometimes i need like 3 or 4 first pulls to get engaged. I think im going to do both, Rx and Scaled, Rx to see if DUs come out and Scale to do a real workout and try to do more than 10 rounds. Lets see
@artistec That's what i am doing. Did 9 rounds scaled on Saturday.
Will redo this Evening, but RX. Will be struggling with the DU.
So I have an idea Where I stand going full gas scaled and not being Able to go full gas because of lack of skills RX.
@aseyesee I’ve done Rx this morning (it’s 2pm for me) I was doing DUs like 4/5 at a time and get to round 4, I was dying mentally and my legs for trying too hard. I’ve done 9+row on scale
@john6574 any RX score is better than any scaled score. So if that is your goal then definitly do RX. And even if you don't have double unders you could still blaze through the row and deadlifts and spend the next 18 minutes trying to get some. You might be able to get a few. The magic of the open
@john6574 I wouldn't get too caught up in the scoring system. You would probably be in the same percentile RX as scaled, you just can't do double unders. Remember the open is a game. You are being penalized for not being able to do a certain aspect of the game correctly, not because you are less fit then every "RX" athlete.

Unless the game part is what you are into of course. Then I would do the Row and Deadlift then spend 18 minutes getting as many double unders as possible for a high score RX.
@john6574 I can't get my head around how someone can be that fit to be in 92nd / 94th percentile but can't do DU.

Blows my mind. But I'm probably just jealous.

Nice score on 24.1, OP
@gpela For me personally, I’ve never done them in my life until yesterday as I’ve never done CrossFit.

I’ve done more of metcon or hybrid/hyrox type training with things like compromised running for a strong engine.
Update on the update -

Submitted an RX score of 490 reps today, so 5.5 rounds. Pretty disappointed overall, but considering I’d never done a DU in my life before Saturday, and only practiced for 3 hours at the weekend, cranking out 250 DU for this workout feels pretty epic.

No idea where I am in the rankings yet and don’t want to look as I’ll sulk, but I do know that I feel like I have had concrete poured directly into my calves

Good luck to everyone on 24.2 and thanks to everyone for their thoughts
UPDATE - I spent about 30mins practicing DU today and I reckon I could do single or two DUs at a time so I am going to go try RX and goal of 4 rounds

Let’s see how I get on 🤷🏻‍♂️
@john6574 So today I learned how the percentile works. I'm in 41. percentile worldwide which I thought meant that I was in top 40. Now I realise it's bottom 40 and 60% are ahead of me 🤣

I am dyscalculic so it's just about what I'd expect but I just find this so funny! I mean it figures because I couldn't even finish 24.1, just my silly brain!
@john6574 Do rx, spend all 20 minutes jumping as high as possible and whipping that rope around fast, just do singles no matter how ugly they are. Every one counts if you care about the leaderboard