@josh88 Lat pull downs are an ok place to start but assisted pull ups and negatives are much better. I have trained lots of people to their first pull up as well as to sets of 15. If the person can’t do one yet I always get them to do 4x4x4. Get a bar that’s about nose level when standing. Use a box or put a barbell in a high squat rack. Hold the bar with your hands and bend your knees so you are sort of hanging below the bar but your feet are on the box. Do a pull up using your legs to help you only the absolute minimum possible. At the top, lift your legs and do a negative. Be honest with yourself making the up portion as hard as possible and make the negative fairly slow. You can use your feet to assist the negative if you need to. Do 4 sets of 4 of these 4 days a week. I guarantee you will get a pull up in short order. It has never failed. It looks simple but done properly it is quite tough.