Cirque du Soleil acrobat Andrii Bondarenko's Instagram page, where he shares incredible bodyweight fitness feats


New member
I'm still trying to master my floor L-sit, and then I see this on Instagram:

And I remember this from a few months ago:

Or this:

Or this:

He posts this kind of stuff nearly every day, and it's helped keep me motivated to keep trying and push myself. There is sooooo much we can develop towards.

Hope you find it as interesting and inspiring as I do. Is there anyone you follow who keeps you motivated?
@steve774 I think everyone in the BWF community would enjoy a Cirque du Soleil show. Just about any show you choose will have multiple Olympians on stage, and the level of artistry and the production quality of the stage show are beyond compare.
@jim35215 I just realized I used to think "wow these guys are flexible/agile/skilled" when seeing either this. And while they are, it's like it took struggling for months with my L-Sit to realize how strong these people are as well as the other things.
@jim35215 Watch a Chinese circus if you ever get the chance. Cirque is fun, but the Chinese guys are on a whole different level in terms of skill. No strings, no regard for safety, no dancing and costumes, just people going on stage one after another and doing shit you never even considered humanly possible.
@karlthemuss You'll understand if you watch a show. No strings - these guys are incredibly confident and do not make mistakes even when on one arm on chairs stacked to 30 ft in the air. No dancing and costumes - there's no frills required for entertainment, the skills alone are enough because they're so damn impressive. I've watch a few Vegas cirques like Mystere and Le Reve and Chinese shows. They're impressive in different ways but the Chinese guys are far superior physically and technically even though their presentation is a lot duller.
@dawn16 Can you post an example?

Sone of the cirque stuff I've seen has been incredibably impressive. The chinese stuff i've seen is also amazing, but I would say it blows Cirque away
@revbob4him I wouldn't say they blow Vegas cirques away, but they're impressive for different reasons. In shows like Le Reve and O, the stages themselves are a sight to behold, and the dance choreography/costumes are all very intricate and thought out. The Chinese show I watched was a bunch of dudes on a wooden stage dressed like Aladin.

I don't remember the name of the circus, unfortunately, but it was in Beijing. Also can't find any videos. One of the acts for example, involved a row of handbalancing canes of increasing then decreasing height stepwise, across the length of the stage. Tricks they did on it involved hopping across all the canes in a one arm handstand... hopping across the canes in headstand (that was pretty WTF, I had no idea people could jump on their heads)... and also hopping across on two hands... with another handbalancer doing a handstand on the first guys shoulders (one guy doing the hopping, in a handstand and another guy doing a handstand on him throughout). The Adagio was also the most high level shit I'd seen anywhere. Nothing in the Vegas cirques came remotely close to tricks like these in terms of difficulty.

A lot of people would definitely still find the Vegas shows more entertaining though, as most won't be able to make out hard skills from easy skills made to look hard with a bit of dressing up and flash. It's just that as someone who trains and has trained around other gymnasts/circus guys and girls, the Chinese stuff was a mind blowing display of strength and skill.
@kimotaku Good point, a bad assumption to make on my part. Not sure how many people perform in the Cirque, might be nice for someone to pesker this guy about doing on AMA on here.
@dawn16 cirque du soleil has like.... 20 shows active right now, with probably 30-50 artists per show, and has been around since 1984....

needless to say, there are a lot of Cirque acrobats out there.