Cirque du Soleil acrobat Andrii Bondarenko's Instagram page, where he shares incredible bodyweight fitness feats

@designedbygod Good question. I did actually try to keep this post within the discussion-style that is the standard for the sub by asking for some suggestions from other people. If you look through the thread, you'll see some other links to similar bodyweight athletes.
@steve774 I have had the fortune of taking part in a private lesson with this guy. I'm pretty bad at BWF so it was quite difficult but I think it will help me, especially the exercises I learned.
@steve774 I'm following him for a while now but stuff like this doesn't impress me that much anymore. Seriously, seems like everybody became obsessed with straight arm stuff (especially the planche). Where are heavy squats? Weighted dips? Insanely clean muscle ups? Weighted pull ups for reps? Deadhang pulls to front lever then a muscle up into a handstand on the single bar and shit like that? Don't get me wrong, I love training SAS but seems like people are forgetting bent arm stuff gives you insane strength too. Also a lot of Andrii's stuff is arched. If you post an arched planche to the gymnasticbodies forum the moderators and Sommer will lose their shit (at least it was like that a couple of months ago). But of course Andrii learned this from a young age, doing it most of his life probably, and his handstands are superb. So no way GB will criticize his planche. I have nothing against him and he is a beast, but this has been on my mind for a while now and I just wanted to let it out
@brad413 People are obsessed with it because it is rare and most people have no idea how to train it. Even Sommer who coached at a national level, has been able to get very few (if any) adult non gymnasts to a full planche through his system. Same goes for Ido's students. A "deadhang pull to front lever then a muscle up into a handstand" is far more attainable for most people.