Coffee drinkers/weight loss


New member
I’ve been vegan since January ‘24. I have cut out sugar, salty snacks and fried foods and potatoes.

Before that, I used to load up on a caramel macchiato or lots of sugar and half n half when I made coffee at home. My dunk’n order was an extra large coffee with ‘extra extra’ ( like 5 sugars and 5 pumps of cream).

My question is this - do any of you have a similar coffee history and how in the name of all that is holy do you enjoy your coffee now?? What do you put in it?

I’ve tried collagen powders as coffee creamer, sugar free caramel syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, swerve, stevia…. Help! ☕

I’m desperate to enjoy coffee again!
@nbabkina Sounds like you enjoy sugar and cream, not coffee.
I don't think I've ever enjoyed a coffee from dunkin or Starbucks.

Make sure you purchase good, freshly ground coffee from your local roaster. Use oatly for your latte or cappuccino, it has a creamy texture and sweet flavour.

That said, I enjoy steamed sproud milk with my flat white or i make a cup of black from my aeropress or filter.
@nbabkina Califia farms “cafe oat” or barista blend is really good, but I actually like the shelf stable Kirkland brand “oat organic beverage” from Costco. They’re similar. I like creamier coffees too.
@nbabkina Try getting better coffee. When I drink cheaper coffee, it needs more creamer and sugar to taste good. Maybe change your method of preparation too if you can. Pour over is so much smoother.

Also just try to slowly transition to having less cream and sugar. try it with 75% for a week. Then less. Etc.

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