Coffee drinkers/weight loss

@nbabkina I'll echo the statements above that the better the coffee (and your prep process), the more you'll enjoy a simpler cup/mug/carafe/bucket.

Over time, I've developed a grind-as-you-brew, french press routine with oat milk (warm it before you add the coffee, trust me) and stevia. I do reach for the flavor shots from Torini or the like occasionally for variety, but even at its most basic, if you brew it right and use a better bean, the results will make the mouth, belly, and nervous system quite happy.
Thanks for all the responses! I bought a little pourover decanter and am now drinking the result with just some frothed up oat milk. Very good! A lot of you said I need to taper off sugar but I’ve been off sugar since January and doing ok with it. No Starbucks no Dunkin. To r/HobKing, I don’t drink iced coffee. Have a beautiful day, all!
@mercuryash Everyone’s been saying that. I took some of the suggestions and have been doing pour over with a little pea milk. Amazing. It’s just a case of using Folgers or k-cups and not thinking there was much difference. WRONG! lol.
@nbabkina Sugar is addictive and habit forming, similar to many other things. If you limit your sugar intake, over time, you'll lose your taste for the sugary stuff, and when you try it again it'll taste way too sweet.

You could try hot coffee. The "hotness" of it provides a lot of stimulation missing from iced coffee, and makes it into a ritual. By contrast, iced coffee can be gulped down in two seconds flat, and, if it's not flavor-blasted with sugar and fat, feels less substantial.. less of an "event."

Some general advice about things like this is to step down slowly to avoid becoming frustrated and going back to old habits. Stepping down slowly will make each step more tolerable, and you'll still get to your destination when you get there.