COVID-19 Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update, Week 1 Kick-off

@baohomotorprovn250932 thanks for setting it all up! fantastic idea. i’ll be doing yoga for the challenge and also added learning how to play ukulele just for the fuck of it.

i’m a yoga therapist and instructor, and i’d love to help anyone who is new to yoga who has any questions about starting out. if you’re reading this, don’t hesitate to reach out!
@monica214 youtube: op linked “yoga with adriene” on youtube and i second the suggestion. she has multiple resources for all levels of practice.

yoga app: down dog is a great yoga from home app, and they released their paid version for free until april 1st. you can choose the level, duration, yoga type etc. and no sequence is ever the same, so you won’t get bored.

online: yoga glo has everything you need to start an at-home yoga practice. unsure if they’re allowing free use of their online yoga classes but they have a free trial and it’s worth taking a look.
@jayney81 The Ukulele Teacher is a good YouTube channel for learning songs! Riptide by Vance Joy is the first song I learned on uke and it was really easy to pick up. Good luck!
@jayney81 Total newbie, thank you for letting us ask questions :) I have upper back pain sometimes when lifting daily objects (things like carrying heavy groceries, not after working out) and am very inflexible. What things could I start with that could help? Should I be aiming for 10 minutes of daily yoga?
@brownski have you seen a doctor about your back pain? would you say it’s the muscles in your upper back or spinal pain? i’m assuming since you’re experiencing pain while heavy lifting, it’s muscular, but if it’s a spinal issue i would get it checked out. once you’re cleared by a doctor, the best way to help limber up your body/back is by moving it on all planes.

here’s a quick sequence of poses you can try for ten minutes in the morning, and maybe again before bed if you’d like. the more often, the better. you’re warming up your muscles as well as creating fluid in your joints which is great to start the day.
  1. cat/cow pose: inhale deeply as you look up and bring your belly down/tailbone up; and exhale deeply as you round your back.
  2. bridge pose: inhale while flat on the floor, exhale and bring your hips up.
  3. standing forward fold with hands clasped behind you: inhale puff your chest and clap hands; exhale spill forward over your hips, bend your knees, relax your neck.
  4. seated twists: inhale before you twist, and exhale as you slowly twist to the right and left. make sure you hold for a few seconds (up to 30 sec on each side).
hopefully all the gifs work!
@jayney81 Hi! I want to start yoga but I have long limbs and am inflexible. I can't even touch my toes :( can you suggest a routine and/or type of yoga for those with flexibility issues?
@sassyashy08 absolutely! is your first goal to touch your toes? if yes, that’s a perfect place to start.

because we all have different body types, that’s where yoga props come into place. long limbs, short limbs, lobster claws, whatever! yoga props help a ton when it comes to adding flexibility to our bodies.
  1. to start, grab a blanket, fold it a few times, and sit on the edge so the majority of your booty muscles are on the blanket, but your tailbone hangs slightly off. there’s a photo of what i mean on step three if this is super confusing.
  2. grab a necktie, or a long belt, or if you happen to have a yoga strap, even better. you’re going to place the tie/belt/strap of your choice on the balls of both your feet (where your toes meet your foot). here is a photo of what i mean so far.
  3. with the belt in each hand use the strap like so to help you bring your CHEST towards your FEET. usually you might hear nose to knees, but you want to keep your back as flat as possible while moving your chest forward and down.
  4. with practice, and a lot of patience, eventually you will have the flexibility in the backs of your legs to bring your chest down without rounding your back, which will help with touching your toes.
you can search “seated forward folds with props” on youtube to get more helpful tips!