COVID-19 Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update, Week 1 Kick-off

@baohomotorprovn250932 I'm so stoked! I did my pushups this morning as well as the hundreds and part of the glutes. For the ab and glute exercises I will do them to the extend they don't aggravate my hip flexor injury. On the other hand this might be the perfect challenge for learning which muscles to activate. So instead of going for absolute numbers my challenge lies in perfect form of all of these exercises. Except pushups. I want 50 at the end of these 30 days so badly! Good luck y'all!!
@melody7 I am also focusing on the ab and glute challenges! I had forgotten the extent to which pilates-style calisthenics can kick my ass--I hadn't done any since high school sports. I recently started lifting, and hadn't felt sore from that, but these challenges have me SORE. Which is nice I kinda like being so aware of my muscles.

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