Creatine and Creatinine


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I've been taking athlene creatine mono for the last 2 years. Done my research na din online and got answers. But I just want to check kung meron ba dito na after ng bloodchem elevated ung creatinine nila? Normal range is 0.80 - 1.30mg/dl. Mine sits around 1.53mg/dL

Naka pag pa check na ko sa Nephro and oks naman kidney ko and nakapag on off cycle bloodchem test na dn kami. Stopped creatine for a month back to normal range. Took it again for a month back to range. So ang conclusion ng doctor ko sa high range of creatinine is attributed sa pag take ng creatine.

But I just want to check kung may similar case na elevated creatinine. since I have no friends na nag ggym and take ng creatine kaya wala makausap about this to confirm aside online and the doctor na d familiar sa creatine supplement. Thank you!
@ermcon Henlo. I’ve recently done my check up as well mataas kasi creatinine ko but normal naman yung kidney ko — fyi, I dont take creatine. Sabi naman ng doctor ko it’s common for active people na nagwoworkout or athletes to have a slight increase of creatinine.

Edit: take this with a grain of salt. Different doctors might have a different opinion regarding this. Baka may underlying concerns na ma overlook with this information so might as well do every check ups to make sure everything’s okay 👍🏼
@tonyemmanuel1982 Yep 1.53mg/dl. 2-3 liters per day water intake ko as directed nung Nephro. We did kidney ultrasound and bloodchem oks naman lahat except sa higher creatinine. Na curious lang tlga ako sa experience ng iba. Mostly kasi studies nababasa ko online.
@ermcon Sa july pa ako ulit magpa blood chem e. Check ko rin if tumaas creatinine ko. Last time kasi before akp nag take ng creatine below normal pa creatinine ko e.

Ako naman nag 4-5 liter/day para sure na haha.
@ermcon Hello, I'm a diabetic and kinda new sa fitness. I regularly get my bloodchem done kada check up, but both the times I'm in creatine and not, halos no difference sa creatinine ko. Actually, ever since I took creatine kasabay ng workout, all my tests got better and better na almost parang hindi ako diabetic. Mind you, matigas pa ulo ko ng mga time na to and I was not putting any effort pa sa nutrition ko that time. Last month lang ako tumigil mag creatine due to budget constraints, but confident pa rin ako na it'll get better kasi sabay naman na tumigil ako magtake nun is transition ko naman on counting my calories.

TL;DR: my creatinine and other bloodchem results even got better as I took creatine
@altair This is amazing news brother! I am also diabetic, hypertensive type 2 and had very high cholesterol levels. That was 2 years ago. And earlier this week, I have stopped taking all my meds as per my doctor's guidance.

Ang laking tulong ng fitness overall. Now I haven't tried creatine, and it's something I am considering recently. For context, been weight lifting for 6 months now.

Your results getting better IMO might be attributed more sa overall fitness physical activities.
@fateh Wow that's a major flex! Congrats on graduating on your meds. Hopefully permanent na para less expenses and to ensure healthier kidneys. Yes, consider creatine talaga for better weightlifting progress, but I still recommend giving your doctor a heads up muna so they can monitor you closely while taking it if your body will react positively or not. Though creatine is indeed a very safe supplement, having pre-existing conditions is still a different case.

Yes, probably because of that, since aside from weightlifting, I also play badminton with my friends every weekend, which is yung pagod almost the same lang sa leg day.
@rheann I take creatine dati before workout. Tho okay lang naman kahit any time of the day. Gives me placebo effect lang sa endurance at strength. Yes, I take it kahit walang workout since you need it as well during rest days.