New to creatine

@bubbles328 Creatine is not magical supplement. You may take it and you may not respond to it, it may not help you notice significant difference in your strength and lifts.

If you are beginner, it is not needed. Focusing on lifts, diet, protein intake, rest and other lifestyle habits should be priority.

Usually there are no side effects, you can definitely take it. It will help you over the time.

If you are on tight budget, you can avoid it.

If you have money and make most of out it, buy it. You can buy from ON, asitis, muscleblaze, nutrabay, naturaltein, gnc, etc. It doesn't really make difference, if you are going to buy unflavored one. Do not buy super cheap ones.
@bubbles328 I believe from 18-22/23 you should go all natural without using supplements. Your body has the potential to build muscle and retain it if you follow a structured workout plan and diet. Don't rely too much on supplements.

Why do you think you need creatine? Have you reached full potential of body?
@flowerchildtt Not really. Creatine has other benefits too. It positively impacts the brain and cognitive functions and reduces fatigue. It’s quite harmless. Have you even read about it or are you just needlessly fear-mongering, in a fitness subreddit of all places?