Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)


New member
EDIT: 5'5" & 120lbs ... my goal is to gain 5 - 10 pounds of muscle, increasing strength and muscle mass. I'm currently struggling to eat enough calories. I'm a grazer and find it difficult to eat a large meal before dinner. Took a booty progress pic this morning and my upper body is far too thin)

Good morning ladies! I want to make sure I'm getting the most out of my routines, and I'm not sure if I truly am. My apartment gym has dumbbells (5/10/15/20/25/35/40/50), an adjustable bench, and a machine with a leg press, mid-row/lat pull down, and adjustable column with curls and tricep extensions (no clue what it's called).

Based on my available equipment, I've been working on the following M/W/F schedule for 3 weeks now ... I think it needs some changes but I'm not sure what. Thoughts? Opinions? Approve/Disapprove? Thanks!

Monday: Arms & Chest (All 3x10)
  • DB Bench Press
  • Fly
  • DB Shoulder Press
  • Lateral Raise
  • Shrugs
  • Goblet Squats 5x5 - 0, 15, 20, 25, 35
  • Kettle Bell Swings 3x12
Wednesday: Leg Day (3x10 unless noted)
  • Plank (30 Seconds)
  • Goblet Squats
  • Hip Bridges
  • DB Calf Raises - 3x15
  • Walking Lunges - 3x15
  • Sumo Squats
  • DB Stiff-Leg Deadlift - 3x5
  • Leg Press
Friday: Back & Arms (All 3x10)
  • Bent Over Rows (Single Arm)
  • DB Curls
  • Hammer Curls
  • DB Tricep Extensions
  • Tricep Dips
  • Mid-Row
  • Goblet Squats
  • DB Stiff Leg Deadlift - 3x5
As you can see, I try to incorporate squats into my other days, and there's a bit of ab work in there. What can I add or change to make sure this is most effective? Thank you!
@oneanswer It all depends on your goals. What are you looking to do? Build muscle? Strength? Power? Lose weight?

Personally, I attack training from a strength and conditioning point of view, so I've currently got a full body PPL (focusing on strength) routine (Power>Core>Accessory) with Heavy/Moderate/Light days to fit my 3 day a week schedule. I'm working with 4-5 sets of 3-6 reps at around 85-90% of my 1RM. I have a day a week where i do steady state cardio and 2 active rest days where i either play basketball or just mess around in the gym and have fun.
@rebornbeliever Thank you! Others have recommended SC, so I am looking at doing both. If I go this route (either now or at a later date), how long does it take a person to determine their 1RM?
@oneanswer It's kind of all over the place. You don't do biceps or triceps on your first "arm day" but you do goblet squats. You do very little back work on back day but do hammies (Romanian DL). You also do kettlebell swings on chest day instead of back day. There's no rhyme or reason to this routine and I can't see how you would make much progress.

I... would scrap the whole thing and choose a program from the sidebar.
@dynamitex My logic was that I'm making sure I still focus on some glutes/legs even when I'm not having an official leg day. I tried stronglifts but felt like just the 3/4 workouts weren't enough. Couple that with it being made for people with access to barbells.

Ironically, the whole reason I created my own routine was because I posted here previously when I was doing SL with dumbbells, and was told that I needed to do something different due to lacking the necessary equipment.
@oneanswer /r/strongcurves

It's a full body routine that starts with dumbells and bodyweight. It's focused on glutes but is pretty good at overall strength. I think you should throw your program away and do this one.
@dynamitex Here's a sneak peek of /r/StrongCurves using the top posts of all time!

#1: 8 week update! From nonexistent hamstrings to normal looking legs. I'm excited to see week 12! | 15 comments

#2: I am Bret Contreras, aka "The Glute Guy," author of Strong Curves. AMA!

#3: [NSFW] NSFW Progress Pic Weeks 0-10ish | 45 comments

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@dynamitex Very happy to read this conversation, because I was thinking more about swings being for the legs (per /@lawrencemcdonald123). Once I move swings from arms/chest, I am lacking on more exercises. Push ups could replace it?
@lawrencemcdonald123 I'll edit this into the original post, but I want to grow strength and become more muscular. I'm 5'5" and 120lbs, which is NOT ideal - I'd like to gain 5- 10 pounds of muscle mass, and I'm trying to up my calories currently, but I'm a grazer and find it difficult to have any 'big' meals before dinner. I took a booty progress pic this morning and am shocked to see that my upper body is too thin (shoulder blades and some vertebrae were pronounced). I just have no clue what I'm doing with food.