Cutting while lifting and training for a 6-hour endurance test


New member
In May I plan on testing at my krav maga school to get into the next level. I heard it's brutal in that it lasts for six hours where they'll have us do drills with few breaks.

I asked some people who have done it before and many stressed the endurance part. They recommend taking two one-hour classes back to back and then going for a run afterward. I plan on running a 3-mile trail loop and then maybe walking it to start out. I hope to be able to run it twice after my classes.

I'm pretty fit and don't think it should be an issue but I'm more of a lifter than a runner, swimmer or cyclist. I still think it'd be a good idea to train for it and do as suggested.

However, I am currently cutting and I think the hunger could be an issue, especially if I do one of the endurance days. I'm 5'4, 130lbs, 36F and am currently eating around 1750 calories. My TDEE is around 2000 calories.

My current workout routine is one hour of kickboxing two days a week, one hour of krav maga 3-4 times a week, and I lift 3x/ week on my KM days.

Would training for endurance be an issue if I stick with my current calories? Or should I maintain until test day? Or only maintain on my endurance days?


P.S. Please no criticism on KM. Not here to argue about its effectiveness or what you think about it.
@cupofdaisies You have to just get started and see how you feel

I lift heavy, and run a shitton.

In February I completed a 100 mile ultramarathon and benched 405 3 days later.

I tend to run 70-80 miles per week, while lifting heavy 2-4x, but it has taken me years to fine tune the volume/intensity/frequency of training with my caloric intake.

So nobody can really answer this for you. You need to just try it out and see how it goes.

I'd expect your appetite to go up at first though, so if you don't increase calories, expect to suffer a bit haha
@cupofdaisies So while cutting on 1200 calories, I run a 5k daily and lift for 45-60minutes 6 days a week you’ll be fine as long as you don’t overdo it on the running and by that I mean the pace, keep your heart rate in zone 2 for the work and you’ll be fine
@cupofdaisies I'm training for a half marathon in May and have been trying to lose weight since November. Started ramping miles up in the last 2-3 weeks while lifting two days a week, and I feel like carbs have become more important. I was on a pretty high fat diet, but hitting protein and calories. At some point, you just need to restore glycogen after hours-long training sessions.

Also planning on a week at maintenance calories at least before the event.

Hope it's towards the end of May, as the clock is ticking. You might try a long walk or other low-moderate impact activity before a training session.
@cupofdaisies For reference, this is what I've been running, but you could basically do two days krav magaz two days running, and replace your long run with a pre fatigue activity before Krav maga.

Also, does the coach (or whatever title they prefer) have any suggestions? 8 weeks is a good amount of time to build endurance, but also kind of minimum.