Dan John's issue with dual snatches???

@barronkanetaylor First off, Dan strikes me as a fairly measured guy, but that's besides the point.

As for the double snatch, I have personally experienced the issues with training it. I'm someone with very long limbs and a short torso, it's easy for a person with my leverages to be pulled out of position on the downswing (back bending as the weight dumps you forward). It gets dicey quickly, especially as fatigue sets in.

Dan has a similar structure to me, as do many athletes in certain power sports. He probably tried the double snatch himself, tried it with some clients, and saw that it was an accident waiting to happen.

Combine this situation with a power athlete who is exceptionally strong compared to the average person, and therefore potentially double snatching with very heavy weights. You're risking some really nasty injuries.

Luckily, this problem isn't really present with other double kettlebell movements. I can train double half-snatch just fine, since the downswing is not an issue. Cleans and swings work fine too, because there's not as much momentum generated as that of a snatch.

Can some people get away with double snatches and never get injured? Sure. But it carries more risk than other similar movements that confer the same benefits.
@raykay He never mentions perils of the dual snatch downswing. He says the dangerous part is 2 kb's overhead crashing potentially crashing onto someone's skull. I just don't see how anyone with a modicum of coordination and mobility could possibly be at risk of that.
@khshox My experience coaching is the exact opposite. People know whether they're athletic or not, and the ones who say they aren't are overly cautious and afraid of injury even though it turns out they're usually *more* capable than they think. It's my favorite thing about coaching!
@barronkanetaylor Amazing to work with then!

I found in age 14-18 there are too many „cocky“ wannabe athletes that lack mobility and coordination, but are too cool (or unaware) to act accordingly and hurt themselves
@barronkanetaylor Hey man, it's cool to disagree with people on stuff. I like double snatches, but I don't like TGU. We live in this world where people think you have to be an adherent disciple of one person or another.
@barronkanetaylor He also says jump rope is bad because one time, even though he had never jumped rope before ever and was obviously not conditioned for it, he jumped rope for an hour and his calves were really sore so obviously it is a bad exercise. He says pistol squats are bad because he was born with a fucked up hip and he is also too fat to do them. He doesn't like the one arm swing. He doesn't like lunges. You could design a great workout around exercises Dan John doesn't like.
@wakemantk I agree he can get pretty opinionated. But, that's the way of the world man. I like his content but when he says shit about and exercise (usually one I can do well and have been doing for a while) I usually take it with a grain of salt.
I watched one where he said he doesn't like bent press, for whatever reason, probably a risk to reward thing.

@barronkanetaylor Personally I don't listen to him at all.

Read some stuff over the years a long time ago but never saw the appeal.

Lol it's so silly. He is a barbell snatch person. as if that couldnt hurt anyone if falling. 😆😆😂
@rabbie77 I've coached the barbell snatch and it's so potentially dangerous and technical that we start them out with a PVC pipe and they have to earn their way to an empty bar! They even practiced bailing so the barbell doesn't fall on their head during a failed attempt.
@barronkanetaylor Exactly also with double kettlebell most people until they're advanced and or highly mobile the kettlebells are not directly over their head they are more over their shoulders look at anyone that does CrossFit or Olympic lifting when they have kettlebells overhead they are wide out over their shoulders
@rabbie77 I, like many others, got into Kettlebells because of Dan John's work, so I get why so many folks value his opinion. I think we run into trouble when we treat his views as gospel. He's just a person and can be wrong or even just differing opinions on things.

I take the things I find valuable from his work and things I disagree with, I move on :)
@sharita3737 I totally understand that. It's the dogmatic views that I personally veer from in any sort of training.

Even my work will be great for some but not right for others.

But I'm the first one to admit that.
@hopelessman How do you figure this? I've lifted barbell since I was 15 and kettlebells 14 years after that.... I do mostly double kettlebells and they are insanely easy to bail from as theyre independent of each other