Dating while being petite and overweight

@jodi1028 5'2" here and curvy. I've had zero trouble funding guys happy to date me at any weight from the 140s up through the 190s. When I gain weight, guys praise my boobs and ass. When I lose weight, ditto.

There might be some guys judging you for a mere 7 pounds, but if they do, that's pretty shallow of them. If I can pull guys at 170, 180, 190, I think you'll be okay at your much lower weight!

Remember that you are the one with the scarce resource. And remember that guys are like trains in Europe -- if you miss one, just wait five minutes and another one will be right along.
@jodi1028 Mamas, I (Latina) met my partner (American/Irish) when I was in the 200s and we met online. I’m now 160. He’s seen me fluctuate so drastically and yet he still wants to lock me in the bedroom for hours just as much as when we first met lol

If he likes you, he likes you!! Cancelling or letting yourself think you’re less than is going to sabotage something that may be the best thing - best go to the date!!!!! You got this!!!
@jodi1028 Wear your most gorgeous outfit and let your personality shine!! What you find as imperfections and needing work, a guy who likes you for you won’t care. Trust. You got this!
@jodi1028 I met my partner on Tinder when I was overweight and just starting to work out and he was in the best shape of his life. Just celebrated 5 years together.
@jodi1028 We are often way more self critical about our bodies than others, try not to get in your own head and wear something that makes you feel confident! You got this girl!
@jodi1028 Girl GUESS WHAT? You’re beautiful the way you already. Plus, you’re gonna continue to improve because you want to better yourself, in terms of fitness and in life. That’s the amazing part of relationships and partnerships too—you support each other.

From a 28-year-old chonky Asian girlie who has been 140 lbs lean and 165 lbs fluffy and with my lovely white handsome ripped boyfriend of 3 years who looks like young Leonardo DiCaprio: true love is within. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He pushes me to be better but loves me no matter what I look like. He still admires my curves and rubs my big belly. He encourages me to lift heavy and continues to eat healthy with me, cooking healthy foods for both of us.

Just go. Be yourself. Say you’ve been crushing it at the gym (with a whole subreddit of girls cheering you on right now). You ARE a bad bitch.
@jodi1028 I was your height/weight when I met my 6’5 super handsome bf and definitely thought he was out of my league at first but now I look back and realize I was a cutie toooo okay! Ur guy swiped for a reason, don’t forget you’re a catch and he’s the lucky one.

I’ve since lost 32lbs and my bf gained weight lol and now I feel like reassurance knowing he picked me when I wasn’t at my goal weight so it’s just a bonus I got hotter 😂. It’s green flags 💚💚
@jodi1028 If a guy looked at you and bailed would you really want to be with that type or person?

Whoever the guy is that is meant for you will love you during all life stages and body shapes.
@jodi1028 For the most part men don’t care about how much you weigh. Women think men prefer leaner women, when in fact they generally prefer curvier women. I was shocked when my husband told me he preferred me at a higher weight. I think the extra weight goes to my tummy, but he doesn’t care about that because some also goes to my breasts, butt, and legs.

And if he doesn’t like you when you’re a bit heavier, is he actually worth it? If he doesn’t want to date you at 157lb, do you want to date him at 140lb?
@naate Men also have no clue what women actually weigh. I’ve met 1 man in my 35 years who genuinely was only attracted to thin women (not fit, just very skinny). I agree w you that most men prefer curvy women!
@jodi1028 DONT CANCELLLL!!!!!! met my gym loving bf earlier this year through hinge lol & i’m 20 pounds from my goal weight. trust me, it does not matter to him! but i relate hard to those insecurities girl, but the most important thing is being your authentic self- a good man won’t care about your weight!

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