Dec 1 2022 to Feb 21 2023


New member

11 weeks has passed between these photos. My goal is a cut.

I’m 5’4 and 34(f). This is a mini progress post on muscle growth while cutting.

When I took this before photo on Dec 1, 2022, I had been working out consistently for 8 months and had lost approximately 25lbs from March 2022. I got divorced in 2021 and gained a lot of weight I spent 2022 losing. I also was doing smith rack squats a few times a week.

I weighed about 135lbs in this photo, my bf unknown.

My main workout was Caroline girvan. I was on day 29 of her fuel challenge in this photo. I highly recommend her programs, as it helped me solidify the basics and taught me my beloved Bulgarian lunges.

Same as it is now - I don’t track calories because I had a bad experience with extreme restriction in my 20s.

I do portion control with a focus on protein. I eat a minimum of 100g of protein a day, usually 130g. I have a muscle milk or core power shake every day, I eat Greek yogurt (15g) as a snack, and my dinners are chicken/steak/fish with rice/pasta and salad. I eat smoked salmon bagels or cottage cheese for lunch.

After: (the last 11 weeks)
129lbs, bf unknown

I have been doing a split routine with 3 days legs/glutes and 2 days arms/back. I reduced how much I lift, and I’m hyper focused on form. I LOVE THIS SUBREDDIT for how much I’ve learned about form and finesse. You guys are the best.

Leg day: smith rack at planet fitness baby. I do a combo of hip thrusts, rdls, deadlifts, and squats. I also do dumbbell Bulgarian lunges after.

Back/arms: barbell rows, trx rows, delt flys, shoulder work on the cable machine.

New addition is 30 min of cardio after my lifts. Either stairmaster or more often, 12.3.30 on treadmill. I only feel up to it about 66% of the time.

I also now take CREATINE. Love it so much, I feel hydrated.

I use virtually all the amenities at planet fitness. I go to the massage chair after every workout. I genuinely believe this helps my progress.

This is the most important part of my fitness journey. When I took the first pic, I had just experienced the revelation that the only consistent source of love in my life is gonna come from me. My daily practice in between these pictures is waking up and knowing that the person I trust most (me) is gonna take care of me that day. This mentality extends far beyond fitness - I’ve started working on some personal dreams I never felt equipped or had the time or resources to do.

Thank you to everyone in this sub for all the ideas and helpful advice you give, I’ve read it and put a lot of it in motion. 💜💜

Edit - to show the difference more, here’s a pic in the same pair of jeans from Dec 2022 to this week

@bigb Nah I plan to rawdog it the whole way lol. I might get a dexa scan in the future if I run into one, but I like not knowing.
@sivires Damn! I’m hoping to Make these kinds of gains soon. You look fantastic.

I’ve been working out for 8 months and am starting to feel strong. But I want to gain more muscle especially in my legs and glutes. I need to learn to use a squat rack and hip thrusts.

Did you increase your weight and also protein to gain more muscle like this?
@dawn16 Thank you!! Yeah I definitely focus on protein. It’s the center of everything I eat.

I use a smith rack which is like an assisted squat rack, I’ve actually gone down in the weight I lift recently to focus on form. I really noticed changes in my glutes from doing Bulgarian lunges too, which you just use dumbbells and a bench to do.
@sivires Thanks for your reply! Yes, I’ve been doing deadlifts and Bulgarian split squats. Do you measure your macros or just eat as much protein as possible? I’m curious about smith rack, I’m pretty sure I have one at my gym just need to finally try and use it haha.
@dawn16 I just count protein. So I just add it up and eat more of it if I’m under 100-115g. I eat everything else unaccounted for, like carbs with my protein for meals. I do snacks like Greek yogurt or a protein shake if I’m under. I do portion control for everything else, which is easy with having protein almost every time I eat because it’s dense.
@sivires That's such good progress for 11 weeks! Now I'm thinking of checking her out as I've been consistently working out for about 6 month and haven't noticed any difference...

Also, when you say you do a "12.3.30" on the treadmill is that incline/speed/time?
@sivires Thanks to your post I just subscribed to her YouTube. Went through some weight gain over the last year due to life turning into a complete roller coaster. Thanks for the motivation! Keep up the good work you look great 😊
@sivires Ah, i was about to make a comment on pictures for documentation, but looks like you did one of them :)

Photos in the same pants and/or top make a difference when you are trying to gauge progess, as well as the same poses in mirror.

All in all, youre going great! Thanks for the post!