@jacojacojaco It's a cost to benefit ratio. Is the cost of training much higher volume on more taxing compound movements worth the benefit of gaining some additional shoulder development? That's up to you and your training goals.
This is just another option that involves less taxing exercises, so it would be applicable to other people's programming. Myself for example, I'm relatively heavy at around 220 lbs/100 kg. My shoulders get painful tendonitis from too high of pressing volume. So it's not feasible for me to train them to failure using just compound movements.
With rowing it is a similar story, there is a lot of load on my biceps and if I trained with the volume needed to fully fatigue the rear delts I'd get some nasty bicep tendonitis. Plus, that's additional fatigue to the back and forearms that is then taking away from other exercises like my deadlifts, and kettlebell swings/snatches.
There's more than one way to tackle the problem, if I sounded dogmatic it is only because I'm simplifying my ideas for Reddit.