DFW-inspired program I’m doing


New member
Just wanted to share what I’m doing cuz idk anyone else who does kb workouts, but I think it’s neat and fun.

I did barbell training for a long time so the self-regulated training of DFW was at first a turnoff but I needed to start SOMEthing and decided I’d give that style of training a go.

I only have one kb, it’s an adjustable titan fitness bell and so my first thought was to do c+p left, c+p right, and goblet squats. I’m working through a shoulder injury and I had to start really light, but I’m also impatient and the idea of staying at 12kg the whole month seemed super lame. I also wanted to work on snatching.

So here’s what I’m doing: Kind of an A/B program. Workout A is 30 minutes of clean and press 1/2/3 ladders.. like 1/1, 2/2, 3/3. Then workout B is 30 minutes of 5 rep snatch sets left and right. Plan is to go up 1-2kg every workout as tolerated, repeating weights if I feel like I need to. Also anticipate that once I get past like 20kg, I might have to wave the load and do some deloading on the weight or reducing reps per set on snatch, but we’ll see. That’s all, just kind of wanted to share.
@richgsr7 If you do the week like

A, B, off, A, B, off, off

Then you've got the basic outline of Neupert's Kettlebell Maximorum program. I started it a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it.
@everlastingman23 Oh cool! Does it follow similar weight increase? Or just the exercise selection you mean? So far this week it was A off off B A lol, I work a lot so kinda just whenever I can muster the will. But after two days in a row my hamstrings and lower back are tight so I’ll prob rest tomorrow. 😅 but hell yeah. I can’t really discern the difference between 12 and 14, so my hope is I will keep not noticing the jumps and just be strong af before I know what happened.

I’m wishing I could do TGUs as well but my shoulder injury prevents me from posting on that arm. It’s either posterior/internal impingement or a torn labrum.
@richgsr7 Just the exercise selection. I can't think of any KB program that has weight increases like you're planning. Most KB programs stay at the same weight the whole time until you own it. The program I mentioned uses your 5RM weight for double C+P and the same weight for double front squats. Snatch uses 10RM. Same weight in each for 12 weeks.

Increasing weight frequently is the free weight way of increasing intensity. KB programs usually accomplish the same goal with increasing volume and/or density instead of changing weight.
@everlastingman23 Yeah I know the volume will go down as I go up in weight very quickly. I’m okay with that. I am just trying to get to legit weight sooner. I find that kind of progression more satisfying, so it’ll keep me coming back.
@richgsr7 Linear increases are likely possible at the beginning, but it will level off quickly. One question that Dan john mentioned once got me to think of maximizing progress. He asked how would you know if you are on the optimal program. He concluded that you would not know. Basically, I take from that to stick to a vetted routine when you are making progress. But with anything, you do need to switch it up occasionally. Whether that are small or radical changes are up to you.
@emmanuelm118 Yeah I have always heard the optimal one is the one that you’ll do haha. I kinda look forward to the weight stalling in a weird way, cuz only then will I feel like it’s heavy enough if that makes sense.
@zemkiose I'll do a write up if I remember in 9 weeks. It's basically 2 days of DFW and two days of snatches. If you like DFW and snatches you'll dig it. DFW style sessions are 30 min, snatches are 20, so one hour and 40 mins total weekly training time not counting warm up/cool down.
@zemkiose I'm not complete yet, 2/3 of the way through, but it's fantastic so far. Did my best C+P and snatch workouts yet back to back Monday and Tuesday. Conditioning really feels like it's dialing in. Maximorum is paying dividends.

Just remembered you asked and wanted to update in case I don't remember the review.