Diet for Cutting


New member
I'm a 24 y/o weighing around 74 kgs (5'9"). I've been going to the gym for around 2 years without any actual diet. I used to eat anything and everything in sight, hoping to cut the calories down during workout.

However, i decided to stick to a diet last week. My daily calorie intake is somewhere around 1500 cal (around 130-140g protein daily). I'll also put my diet here-

Breakfast- Dosa (3) + Boiled Eggs Whole (2)

Preworkout- 2 Bananas/ 1 Apple

Lunch- 150 g Chicken Breast and 150 g of Steamed Rice

Snacks- 50 g roasted peanuts and Whey Protein Scoop (Asitis Atom)

Dinner- 150 g Chicken Breast + 2 Whole Boiled Eggs

I try to drink about 2.5-3 L water everyday and workout (Strength and cardio) for around 1.5 hours for 5 days a week.

Since it's my first time following a cutting diet, I would appreciate your inputs on how to optimize it, in case something isn't adding up. Any help would be appreciated.
@jona23 Oh okay got it. That also makes sense. But since I'm just starting out, I'll definitely need some help to track macros. I'll probably get a hang of it in a month or two. Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it
@marisasa That's definitely over 2000 calories mate, may even by 2500 if there's oil, seasoning, Mayo etc. you haven't factored in.

I'll definitely suggest adding some veggies, maybe cut peanuts/chicken and add more whey. Definitely reduce dosas.