Diet plan Review for a 28F looking to lose 7 kgs fat.


New member
Its a fairly detailed post, I'll appreciate anyone who can go though it and give me any helpful feedback. I'm 28F, strength train 5 days a week, cardio 2 days a week via boxing.

I have been very irregular of late, all over the place with my diet and workouts and all I want to get right back into it again. My goal primarily is to lose 7kgs of fat as well as get strong and gain muscle strength and definition. I am vegetarian, can't eat any diary except yogurt due to hormonal issues.

Following is what I intend to do for the next 3 months.

Eating window - 11.00 - 19.00
Calories - 1700 /100g P

Meal 1 @ 11.00

1) 28g Chia seeds(4P/138kcal) + 1/2 scoop plant protein powder(12P /60Kcal) ( 16g P /200kcal)

2) 1slice of protein Bread (6P/73 kcal) + 100g cooked Chana w tadka (9P /120kcal) + 100 g Greek yogurt (6P/74 kcal) = (21g P/270kcal)

Meal 2 @ 13.30

1) 100g cooked white rice - 130kcal

2) 150g tofu- 21P/210kcal

3) 100g cooked dal- 100kcal

4) 100g raw salad-50 kcal = (21P/490kcal)

Meal 3 Preworkout @ 15.15

1) Banana (100kcal)

2) 1/2 Tbsp Pintola Peanut butter (45kcal)= (145kcal)

Meal 4 : Post workout @ 18.30

1) 2 boiled whole eggs (12P/150kcal)

2) 2 boiled egg whites(7P/ 35kcal)

3) plant protein shake (25P/120kcal)

4) 100 cooked white rice - 130kcal

3) 100g cooked dal- 100kcal

4) 100g raw salad-50 kcal =44P/ 585kcal

Please let me know if I've gone wrong anywhere.
@katherineeee I do it once every 8 days..
Ik 8 is a weird number ,but my body itself asks for more carbs in about 8 I just feed the carbs it needs (eat on maintenance cal that day)
@katherineeee Yes yes doubt about that.
That is a must, but with some more carbs on your refeed days.
Also as a woman, our bodies need fat too...
So damn important!!!
Normal cut days -- protein and fats >> carbs
Refeed days -- protein, fats = carbs
@katherineeee Diet looks great. I personally cut out calorie dense foods like seeds and peanut butter and keep them for bulking season but if you like them and can accommodate them in your deficit, they're good sources of healthy fats.
@katherineeee thats pretty decent in my opinion, also i think you didnt count protein you will get from dal, so i think you protien intake is pretty good.

you workout routine is quite intense, try not to over do it.

best of luck , would look forward to your progress.
@katherineeee Try to mix and match it, everyday the same meal you may get bored and slip off(happened with me).

So try to have a weeks meal plan, over the upcoming weeks mix the meal by days. It’ll keep it interesting.
@msamito Hi thanks for the input, for me I want to see how much I follow through with this for 2-3 weeks atleast. And then I'll make changes accordingly otherwisw I thought it will be too much work and confusion.
@katherineeee Your TDEEs are as below :-
Sedentary = 1,650 calories per day.
Light Exercise = 1,891 calories per day
Moderate Exercise = 2,132 calories per day

Since you're doing moderate exercise, you can consider 2132 calories as your base and cut 500 calories from that for 0.5kg weight loss/week. For this you should be eating around 1600 calories.

You'll still lose weight by eating 1900 calories, but it'll be slower.

Check out for more info.
@truckeo7m Yesss thanks, I know all this, I calculated my tdee in a few different websites and got the avg as 2100 for maintenance, so i am eating 400 less. I wanted to know more about the diet I have planned. Do the macros look fine, is it balanced, etc

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