Is this a decent diet plan for weight loss?

@nihal I’m not eating any snacks, I go for a walk 2 kms morning and 2 kms evening. I do elliptical for 15 mins and treadmill for 20 mins. Lifting weights is good for fat loss also. Cardio is needed for heart health. Steady state cardio is good for fat loss
Lifting weights is good but you can do those simple lifting exercises without even going to gym. I actually felt demoraled when I went to gym, thats why I feel gym is bit overkill for weightloss.
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@destined22 i feel like you might be in a calorie surplus despite it though. but again since you are a man, you might need more calories to survive.

if it has been a long time since you joined the gym, it could be muscle growth along with fat loss and that is why you haven’t seen any progress in your weight.

i am also in my fat loss journey, what worked for me is moving around a lot, after eating especially. also, if you think you might be comfortable, try Intermittent fasting, like 10-14 as the start. also sleep well, dont stress yourself too much

All the best!
@destined22 Hi, i am older than you but was in a similar situation last year. Lost 20+kgs through calorie deficit and increased walking daily, but my journey was not optimal. I didn't take care of protein needs and resistance training. So do consider my pointers below:

You need not workout 5 times a week unless you feel doing so and it makes you happy. Only 3x a week is enough given those 60 mins per each workout session is intense. Assuming you workout 3x a week, your TDEE comes to 2600 calories. Sustainable weight loss can be achieved with a 500 calorie deficit, so you should aim to eat 2000-2100 calories every day, but track it on weekly basis (i.e. ~14000 calories). This helps account for any off days (eating out, celebrations etc.). Water intake is enough at 4L/day.

Other than workout & diet, try to increase your physical activity. Start by engaging in a 20mins continuous walk daily, gradually increase it to 40/60/90 mins throughout the day. This will enable you to hit 12k steps/ day and this Low Intensity Cardio can do wonders for you. This can be done by using more stairs, walking when on calls, use the cardio machines etc. At this stage i do not recommend higher intensity cardio sessions, but go for it if you like it. Cardio in gym is suggested to be done after the lifting session.

Coming to diet, protein is your friend. Aim for 80g-100g of protein to start with if you are not habitual to such high protein intake. Then gradually take it at least 150g. Assuming Protein at 100g, Fats could be 70-100g, and carbs 200-250g. Once protein intake increases, reduce others proportionately. Ensure you get atleast 30g fiber daily. Don't worry about indulging in cravings once a while. Key thing is control and moderation, do not go overboard.

I also did and continue with 16-8 fasting. I like doing this, doesnt offer extra benefit for weight loss as its the calorie balance that matters. But you might try increasing your fasting window for an hour or two right now and see how your body responds.

Repeat this every day and track weekly. Track calories, weights, body measurements weekly. You should start seeing results after a month or two. Track your weight at a common time during the day preferable after you wake up before consuming anything.

Also don’t consume vitamins/other supplements unless you are deficient. If you are eating 2k calories, you can get in the required nutrition by diversifying your food among fruits, veggies of different colors, dairy etc.

Be consistent and give it some time. Most of your existing health problems will be solved after losing excess weight.