Do light workouts have benefit?

@dekaewaii Wow thanks for writing all this! I’m not into the numbers like you are, but I think I have a takeaway from this. ‘Go to the gym and put in some real effort and it will do good and you can still benefit even if you’re not giving it 110%’

Can you explain what you mean by dumbells being a 1/2 ratio? So like if I am using 50lb dumbells to do bench press, that’s the equivalent of 100lb barbell? That seems to be pretty straight forward if correct
@mainten84 Like, if you can bench 300, you could probably bench 100 pound dumbbells to the point where your upper arms are parallel to the floor, or 75 pound dumbbells if you really sank them down until the inside edge touched your bicep/shoulder. 75+75=150. Half of 300. Give or take.

And yah, if you try hard, weight doesn't really matter. Also helps keep your ego in check. There have been times where I feel good and want to lift more and just say to myself "could I do this 3x30? No? Ok, chill out and lift the shit."