Do light workouts have benefit?

@mainten84 Movement is good. Move your body!

Strength endurance training is light-moderate weight, high rep. You can use these workouts to focus on and improve your form for your heavier workouts. Do lots of unilateral exercises, keep rest times relatively short, incorporate supersets and you’ll have a really great metabolic resistance sesh and should even get a nice lil pump if you’re properly hydrated and nourished!
@mainten84 Some movement is always better than none. Plus there is the consideration of what your goals are; if you're simply trying to maintain a minimal level of fitness and activity, that's absolutely fine, too.
@mainten84 Yes, getting some lighter work in that isn't as taxing is better than nothing, and is generally considered "active rest". It sounds to me like these travel periods, where you're already fatigued and unmotivated, are a good time to make it a deload week. You're still going to the gym and doing something that isn't super taxing, and then focusing on recovery.

As long as you're doing progressive overload during the rest of your training block when you're not traveling, you're fine.
@mainten84 I currently have an adductor tweak preventing me from squatting. My squat PR is 170kg and I am doing a couple of sets of 20 3-1-0 squats with just the bar instead as it’s the only thing that doesn’t hurt my leg.

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Do what you can.
@mainten84 Every workout has benefit. Lifting to failure just means you’ll get MORE benefit. But moving joints safely through various ranges of motion is not bad unless you’re hurt/overtrained.
@mainten84 You can build muscle doing calisthenics. There are many ways to make simple movements like pull-ups, push-ups and squats so much harder!

Another alternative is having a couple of resistance bands with special workouts planned for your travels.